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HAR- 0502
arrow 溫立可溫灸棒-HAR- 0502(充電式)
  HAR- 0502
HAR- 0501
arrow 溫立可 溫灸棒-HAR- 0501
  HAR- 0501

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HAR- 0501 arrow溫立可 溫灸棒-HAR- 0501 / HAR- 0501
Product Information:

電壓: DC6V ± 1.5V
功率: 2W。 500小時一度電費。

棒面45—60℃。壓住升溫時間,皮包骨部位1~5秒,肌肉多部位5~10秒,足底10~15秒。感覺不熱:1)換點太快。2)不是傷點。 3)環境溫度 15℃以下要多壓3秒。 使用溫度(患部溫度+棒面溫度除以二)感覺較低: 壓下時間長,較高: 壓下時間短。


改善: 一般性細菌癢、灰指甲、青春痘、蚊蟲叮、傷口癒合癢、眼耳鼻、肩頸、人體正面組織、手腳、凹凸不平之痛點或血流不順引起的症狀都適用。

使用方法: 心情平靜時使用

【Introduction to the exhibit】: Tool for Moxibustion and Heat Application

In traditional Chinese medicine, “acupuncture, moxibustion, medication, cupping, and tui na” are collectively referred to as the five major treatments. Moxibustion, in particular, is a therapy in which heat is applied to energize the meridian and vascular systems of the human body, with a view to relieving pain or inducing bodily resistance to sickness. Moxibustion is very effective in alleviating soreness, itching, numbness, aches, rigidity of blood vessels, and common itches related to bacterial infection. As a non-invasive treatment, moxibustion advantageously features easy application, zero side effects, and a portable tool.

Generally speaking, moxibustion generates heat in one of two ways: by burning dried mugwort or by an electric heating means. Burning dried mugwort is difficult to the general public because a special moxibustion box is required. Electric heating, on the other hand, not only tends to raise the temperature too fast, but also fails to release heat in a slow and concentrated manner, thereby increasing the likelihood of burns. The tool for moxibustion and heat application disclosed in this application is a device configured mainly to conduct heat in a concentrated manner while featuring structural simplicity and ease of use. Referring to the drawing above, the tool 2 for moxibustion and heat application is composed of a base 21 and a contact member 22 on the outside. Inside the tool are a control circuit 23, a coil 24, and a conduction member 25. The control circuit 23 is configured to output a driving signal to the coil 24. The conduction member 25 has one end inserted through the coil 24 and the other end lying against the inner wall of the contact member 22.
The tool 2 can be driven by an alternating current as well as a direct current. When the driving signal generated by the control circuit 23 is a direct current, the coil 24 generates heat as the current flows through the coil, and the heat is transferred to the contact member 22 via the conduction member 25. When the driving signal generated by the control circuit 23 is an alternating current, the coil 24 generates an alternating magnetic field that induces a current in the conduction member 25. The conduction member 25, in turn, generates heat because of the induced current and transfers the heat to the contact member 22.
As the heat generated by the coil 24 is first concentrated in the conduction member 25, which is made of metal, and then (hence indirectly) transferred to the contact member 22, which is made of an insulating material (e.g., wood, as in the product to be exhibited), it is ensured that the heat accumulated inside the contact member 22 will be transmitted outward in a gentle and concentrated way over an extended period of time, allowing a proper moxibustion temperature (i.e., 40~60°C) to be reached shortly, and the heat to penetrate deep into the body.
By first gathering heat with a metallic material and then releasing the heat evenly through an insulating material, the tool for moxibustion and heat application has the advantages of both “burning dried mugwort” and “electric heating” of the conventional moxibustion therapy. Not only is heat conducted in a concentrated manner, but also the tool itself is easy to use. Since the tool for moxibustion and heat application can apply heat to deep blood vessels within a short time, substances which are likely to clog blood vessels can be driven through the blood vessels, thereby promoting blood circulation and mitigating related symptoms. One can apply the tool to any sore or fatigued body part anytime and anywhere to maintain and enhance health.
The pictures above show the tool for moxibustion and heat application actually made into a product. To facilitate use by those who may have problem operating the tool (e.g., elderly users or patients), a handle can be additionally attached to the tool so that a user can easily press the contact member against less accessible boy parts such as the back and the soles. As the handle is threadedly connected to, and therefore readily detachable from, the tool, the tool can be stored and carried around with ease and used wherever and whenever desired in order to relieve fatigue, soreness, or pain. The tool for moxibustion and heat application is structurally simple, compact in size, low in power consumption (it can be driven by a 2W power supply to produce the intended and desirable moxibustion effect), and therefore mass-producible without difficulty. In addition, the wood material of the base and of the contact member not only enhances style and texture, but also effectively prevents the generation of toxic substances which may result from heating a plastic material.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


HAR- 0502 arrow溫立可溫灸棒-HAR- 0502(充電式) / HAR- 0502
Product Information:

電壓:DC3.7V ± 0.5V。手機MICRO5 USB插頭 DC-5V充電。
功率:2W 。充電約4小時。使用時間5小時。

棒面40—55℃。壓住升溫時間(患部溫度+棒面溫度除以二)溫度感覺較低;壓下時間長 ,溫度較高;壓下時間短。感覺不熱:1)換點太快。2)不是傷點 3)冬天要多壓3秒。
使用方法: 心情平靜時使用
一. 按第一下黃燈亮10分鐘50℃,按第二下綠燈亮5分鐘55℃,按第三下OFF。使用中燈閃即電量不足。充電中不可使用。
二. 有溫熱感才換點,防止燙傷經均溫布使用,但太早換點溫度上升不足效果不佳。
三. 氣血的順暢,溫渡是關鍵,體表有手壓痛即易熱(未知痛點)。一般性細菌溫度高不能存活。
四. 按揉會痠、癢、麻、痛、硬點,壓下此點1~15秒等溫度上升,有溫熱感換下一點,點與點勿離太遠,循此點筋之邊、骨(關節要放鬆)之縫,使血管擴張鬆弛。 查察各筋絡圖形資訊或人體左右比較,手壓痛遇溫度即易熱。

一. 傷口癒合不易者、溫度反應遲鈍者、孕婦、特殊體質者或紅腫部位禁止使用。
二. 溫度太敏感者(如小孩、老人)、精神未集中者、一定要經均溫布使用。
三. 大面積痠痛或骨傷者要看醫生,改善體質後再使用。
四. 同一部位同次使用勿超過2次。室溫15℃以下,單點要多壓住3秒。
五. 古人有云:真藥醫假病(神經警訊),真病無藥醫(組織壞死), 請提早注重自己的精氣神。
六. 正常使用保固一年。

【Introduction to the exhibit】: Tool for Moxibustion and Heat Application

In traditional Chinese medicine, “acupuncture, moxibustion, medication, cupping, and tui na” are collectively referred to as the five major treatments. Moxibustion, in particular, is a therapy in which heat is applied to energize the meridian and vascular systems of the human body, with a view to relieving pain or inducing bodily resistance to sickness. Moxibustion is very effective in alleviating soreness, itching, numbness, aches, rigidity of blood vessels, and common itches related to bacterial infection. As a non-invasive treatment, moxibustion advantageously features easy application, zero side effects, and a portable tool.

Generally speaking, moxibustion generates heat in one of two ways: by burning dried mugwort or by an electric heating means. Burning dried mugwort is difficult to the general public because a special moxibustion box is required. Electric heating, on the other hand, not only tends to raise the temperature too fast, but also fails to release heat in a slow and concentrated manner, thereby increasing the likelihood of burns. The tool for moxibustion and heat application disclosed in this application is a device configured mainly to conduct heat in a concentrated manner while featuring structural simplicity and ease of use. Referring to the drawing above, the tool 2 for moxibustion and heat application is composed of a base 21 and a contact member 22 on the outside. Inside the tool are a control circuit 23, a coil 24, and a conduction member 25. The control circuit 23 is configured to output a driving signal to the coil 24. The conduction member 25 has one end inserted through the coil 24 and the other end lying against the inner wall of the contact member 22.
The tool 2 can be driven by an alternating current as well as a direct current. When the driving signal generated by the control circuit 23 is a direct current, the coil 24 generates heat as the current flows through the coil, and the heat is transferred to the contact member 22 via the conduction member 25. When the driving signal generated by the control circuit 23 is an alternating current, the coil 24 generates an alternating magnetic field that induces a current in the conduction member 25. The conduction member 25, in turn, generates heat because of the induced current and transfers the heat to the contact member 22.
As the heat generated by the coil 24 is first concentrated in the conduction member 25, which is made of metal, and then (hence indirectly) transferred to the contact member 22, which is made of an insulating material (e.g., wood, as in the product to be exhibited), it is ensured that the heat accumulated inside the contact member 22 will be transmitted outward in a gentle and concentrated way over an extended period of time, allowing a proper moxibustion temperature (i.e., 40~60°C) to be reached shortly, and the heat to penetrate deep into the body.
By first gathering heat with a metallic material and then releasing the heat evenly through an insulating material, the tool for moxibustion and heat application has the advantages of both “burning dried mugwort” and “electric heating” of the conventional moxibustion therapy. Not only is heat conducted in a concentrated manner, but also the tool itself is easy to use. Since the tool for moxibustion and heat application can apply heat to deep blood vessels within a short time, substances which are likely to clog blood vessels can be driven through the blood vessels, thereby promoting blood circulation and mitigating related symptoms. One can apply the tool to any sore or fatigued body part anytime and anywhere to maintain and enhance health.
The pictures above show the tool for moxibustion and heat application actually made into a product. To facilitate use by those who may have problem operating the tool (e.g., elderly users or patients), a handle can be additionally attached to the tool so that a user can easily press the contact member against less accessible boy parts such as the back and the soles. As the handle is threadedly connected to, and therefore readily detachable from, the tool, the tool can be stored and carried around with ease and used wherever and whenever desired in order to relieve fatigue, soreness, or pain. The tool for moxibustion and heat application is structurally simple, compact in size, low in power consumption (it can be driven by a 2W power supply to produce the intended and desirable moxibustion effect), and therefore mass-producible without difficulty. In addition, the wood material of the base and of the contact member not only enhances style and texture, but also effectively prevents the generation of toxic substances which may result from heating a plastic material.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


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