Song Liang, Inc. Co., LTD
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arrow Purify硝化菌
arrow 元氣茶包
arrow 黑水精華 - 觀賞魚用
arrow 藍色精靈礦物調整劑-水晶蝦
arrow 魔土-天然黑土

Products List

pitem_030 arrow魔土-天然黑土 /
Product Information:


MORE Nature Soil is made from high quality natural soil, sintered into a soft, porous, and granular structure that helps maintain stable, healthy, and clear water for a long period of time. This product contains organic acids and multi-nutrient fertilizers, which can bring the pH and KH level down.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


pitem_001 arrow藍色精靈礦物調整劑-水晶蝦 /
Product Information:


This Water Conditioner offers aquatic animals essential minerals, especially Calcium and Magnesium for shrimp shell growth; other minerals assist shrimp pigmentation and survival rate.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


pitem_013 arrow黑水精華 - 觀賞魚用 /
Product Information:


Simulating water property of tropical rain forest to form buffer system, Dark Extract can reduce the impact of carbon dioxide on pH level to stabilize the quality of water. With chelation, heavy metal ions will be removed. Dark Extract can also enhance the effectivity of minerals, improve metabolism of aquatic animals, protect skin mucosa of fishes, defend virus, inhibit bacterial reproduction, brighten fishes and increase breeding rate. Apply to weak-acid soft water fishes such as Arowana, Blood Parrot, Angelfish, Discus Fish, Characidae, etc.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


pitem_027 arrow元氣茶包 /
Product Information:


This product contains a combination of bacteria and minerals, which are beneficial for aquatic organisms. It increases algae growth which can become shrimp food and also increases shrimplet survival rate. Long-term usage can stabilize and improve your tank environment. It also helps with your shrimp digestion and protects your shrimp digestive system, allowing your shrimp to eat healthily.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


pitem_003 arrow Purify硝化菌 / Purify
Product Information:

淞亮招牌硝化菌,能夠運用於各種環境,全方位的機能,為出色的泛用型硝化菌。將水中的有機廢物,如氨(NH3),銨(NH 4),亞硝酸鹽(NO 2),硝酸根(NO3)等有害物質有效分解,有效地建立微生物在水中的生態平衡。

Classic Purify which is compatible with all kind of environment. Effective decomposition of organic waste in water, quickly build water ecological balance. Completely harmless to all aquatic organisms as well as aquatic plants.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


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