Kui You International Trading Co., Ltd.
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arrow 玫瑰岩鹽沐浴鹽
  Himalayan Bath Salt
arrow 玫瑰岩鹽烤板
  Rock Salt Grill Plate
arrow 天燈型玫瑰岩鹽燈
rock _salt
arrow 玫瑰岩鹽食用鹽研磨罐組
  Edible Himalayan Rock Salt
arrow 自然型玫瑰岩鹽燈
  Salt Lamps

Products List

salt_lamps arrow自然型玫瑰岩鹽燈 / Salt Lamps
Product Information:


Four hundred and fifty million years ago, the crystallised sea water formed the Himalayan salt bed.
Around Two hundred and sixty million years ago, the「Orogeny」made salt bed into the Himalayan deep salt layer. People use these salt mines to make the salt lamps.

Salt lamps work as a natural air purifier, removing dust, smoke and odours. They never get dirty or dusty. They help you breathe and sleep better. They are a beautiful addition to any room decor and function as a perfect night-light, creating a soothing and tranquil atmosphere.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


rock _salt arrow玫瑰岩鹽食用鹽研磨罐組 / Edible Himalayan Rock Salt
Product Information:


Edible Himalayan rock salt from four hundred and fifty million years ago, the crystallised sea water formed the Himalayan salt bed. It contains a lot of iron, so showing the natural colour of roses. Edible Himalayan rock salt is suitable to eat for any season and use with the mill can make you always enjoy the freshest food.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


sky_lantern arrow天燈型玫瑰岩鹽燈 / Sky-lantern
Product Information:


Sky-lantern also was known as Kongming Lantern. According to tradition in China, the sky lantern was made to call for help by Zhuge Liang who was the smartest person at that time. Nowadays, people use Sky lantern for blessing, pray for success and happiness.

Salt lamps can activate good luck and attract blissful elements and improve the air quality. Sky-lantern can bring happiness and luck.
Kuiyou company combine these two products together can make the more magical effect and it is the best blessing for the recipient.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


grill_plate arrow玫瑰岩鹽烤板 / Rock Salt Grill Plate
Product Information:

2. 使用鹽烤板燒烤食材,幾乎不易燒焦。不會因此吃入碳化的物質,使得食材的營養完全鎖住不流失,是最養生的燒烤方式。鹽烤板燒烤能鎖住食材原有的湯汁,燒烤食材呈現相當溼潤,尤其在海產及優質肉類食材上,更能展現原汁風味。

Rock salt grill plate was made from the Himalayan Rock salt mines. Heat is transmitted to the entirety of the pan via conduction, convection, and direct heat penetration for speedy, efficient, and effective cooking without the emission of any microwaves or pungent fumes. The rock salt grill plate ushers in a new era of the safe, healthy, and hygienic mode of grilling. There are many advantages to using this grill plate:
1.Fumeless, ideal for the indoor or outdoor party, suitable for the kitchen and living room use.
2.Hygienic and clean cooking, to avoid the odour or smoke.
3.Preserves the food moisture or meat juices without the food being over-cooked or breaking up.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


bath_Salt arrow玫瑰岩鹽沐浴鹽 / Himalayan Bath Salt
Product Information:


Himalayan Bath Salt come from four hundred and fifty million years ago, the crystallised sea water formed the Himalayan salt bed. It containing abundant trace elements and minerals, our bath salt possess a unique translucent crystal structure and a beautiful pink colour. These crystals will give your skin a unique vitality and brightness. Immerse yourself in nature's energy and let your body and soul enjoy a complete relaxation with our Himalayan Balt Salt.

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


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