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arrow 變壓器導針-C
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arrow 變壓器導針-B

Products List

20111012154955-l.jpg arrow各式導針產品 /
Product Information:

材質:銅包鋼線,鍍錫銅線,黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012162211-l.jpg arrow錳銅線跳線 /
Product Information:

材質:錳銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012154626-l.jpg arrow工字珠子梳針 /
Product Information:

材質:鐵線,不鏽鋼線,黃銅線 電鍍:鍍鎳,鍍金,鍍鉻 研磨:倒角,全圓

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012155816-l.jpg arrow變壓器導針-A /
Product Information:

材質:銅包鋼線,鍍錫銅線,黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012162354-l.jpg arrowL型跳線 /
Product Information:

材質:銅包鋼線,鍍錫銅線,黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012155943-l.jpg arrow變壓器導針-B /
Product Information:

材質:銅包鋼線,鍍錫銅線,黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012154756-l.jpg arrow動物梳針 /
Product Information:

材質:鐵線,不鏽鋼線,黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍鎳,鍍金,鍍鉻

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


20111012162040-l.jpg arrow內彎型跳線 /
Product Information:

材質:銅包鋼線,鍍錫銅線,黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control, Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export, Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


2011101216269-l.jpg arrow各式排針產品 /
Product Information:

材質:黃銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


2011101215535-l.jpg arrow變壓器導針-C /
Product Information:

材質:銅包鋼線,鍍錫銅線,紅銅線 研磨:倒角,全圓 電鍍:鍍錫,鍍金,

Country of Origin: Taiwan Competitive Advantages: Well and High Quality Control,Prompt Delivery Sales Method: Export,Manufacture Payment Terms: T/T

Product Prices:Quoted price and Inquiry


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