GE產品專業從事注塑和壓縮成型的橡膠和塑料。我們可以從事幾乎任何彈性體製造的零部件,包括氯丁橡膠(CR),丁腈橡膠(BUNA),氟橡膠(KFM),矽膠,三元乙丙橡膠,丁苯橡膠,丙烯(ACM),熱塑性聚氨酯(TPU)和各種塑料化合物。 電話:886-2-29995866 郵件:gerubber@ms10.hinet
G.E. Products specializes in injection and compression molded rubber and plastics. We can manufacture parts from virtually any Elastomer including, Neoprene(CR),Nitrile(BUNA), Viton(KFM), Silicone, EPDM rubber, SBR rubber, Acryl(ACM), Thermoplastic Urethanes(TPU) and a variety of plastic compounds. With warehouse facilities in TAIWAN and THAILAND, we have the resources to ship to your delivery specifications. Call or e-mail one of our service specialists today for a prompt quote. TEL:886-2-29995866