Garland Plastics Co., Ltd.
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About Company

高菱塑膠股份有限公司於2000年成立設廠於台灣台南市麻豆區,為專業生產押出建材板製造商,主要產品 有GPPS板、PMMA板、各類壓花板以各式照明擴散光學板。 高菱自創建開始,即致力於深耕「押板製程」「材料配方」、「光學設計」等技術與相關之研發,希望藉 由不斷創新研發,以最新生產技術與服務,提供客戶全方位最高品質客製化產品。 在擁有完整嚴密的品質管制體系下,高菱於2010年通過ISO 9001認証。 近年來我們更著手積極開發綠色環保建材、LED等相關照明應用光學級板材,共同為世界盡一份心力。

Garland Plastics Co., Ltd. is located in Tainan, Taiwan. We are a professional manufacturer specialized in making all kinds of extrusion plastic sheets. Our major products are: PS (Polystyrene) Sheets / PMMA (Acrylic) Sheets / Patterned (Embossed) Sheets / Light Diffuser sheets etc. Since we established Garland in 2000, we proceed diversify research and develop for Extruded procedure, material, and formula, also optical design. From initial communication, volume manufacturing and after-sales services, Garland supports clients with overall high quality products with years-professional technique and complete quality control system. Our establishment, which has improved its operational quality with ISO 9001 (Quality Management System Certificate). In recent years, we continue active innovation in environmentally-friendly products, LED light fixture application optical grade extruded sheets, become friends of the Earth. Our aim is to ensure that our clients continue to put their faith in us for many years to come.



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