凱之林國際有限公司以專營代理臺灣高端奈米紡織纖維工業產品為主,針對農業.建築......開發出複合式高效能新產品,各種塑膠滅蟲織網, 包括PE+PP圓紗平織滅蚊紗窗網、農業滅蟲網、農用薄膜、地膜及MA氣調保鮮袋等。家紡類的銀纖維布料等;以全球機能性人造纖維研發重鎮臺灣為首,整合產業供應鏈積極開拓海外市場,協助技術廠商國際行銷運籌以互惠合作創造永續經營. 企業認證號碼: D-U-N-SRNumber:657129222
Kai Tzu Lin International Co., Ltd. is a distributor of Taiwan’s industrial products of Nano fibers and textiles. Our items include a variety of anti-insect nets, such as PE and PP window anti-insect screen, agricultural anti-insect netting, Agricultural film, plastic mulch, MA bag and silver fiber fabric . The products can be applied to agriculture, constructer and textile, etc. Taiwan is the premier industry and R&D center of global functional man-made fibers. We integrate supply and demand chains to explore international markets, and assist manufacturers to operate through the world, and then create mutual benefits and long-term relationships. D-U-N-SRNumber:657129222