Chyi Ching industry Co., Ltd.
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About Company

創立於1985年的奇慶工業有限公司,是精密塑膠射出成型模具事業設計製造廠。 歷經多年的努力耕耘,目前奇慶已榮獲射出成型機廠商及成型業者絕對的肯定。 自從公司創立以來,所有奇慶人員始終恪遵「不斷提昇技術和生產設備」的公司信念, 也因此我們在技術上永遠保持與機器廠商及客戶並駕齊驅,並提供客戶最佳的服務。 在公司既定策略的引導下,我們所設計製造的性能高精度塑膠模具,已安裝在許多 國內外著名品牌射出成型機上。 然而,我們絲毫不敢自滿,更將不斷致力鑽研製模技術的新層次。奇慶公司擁有 極富經驗的技術服務工程師,可快速解決客戶面臨的射出成型問題。 面對未來我們將不斷改善公司整體體質,以因應各精密成型的挑戰。

Established in 1985, Chyi Ching industry Co., Ltd. has been designing and manufacturing high precision plastic injection mold, and is recognized by the plastic injection molding machine suppliers and molding industries as a dependable plastic injection molding factory. Since the establishment of the company, Chyi Ching has always followed its policy of constant upgrades in mold making technologies and manufacturing facilities in order to keep pace with the latest technical advances, and provide maximum service for our customers. Under the company's policy, we have designed and manufactured high performance, high accuracy plastic injection molds operating on many famous brands of plastic injection molding machines around the world. Today, Chyi Ching continues to work hard at the leadership of mold making technology. Chyi Ching maintains a thoroughly experience engineering staff in a position to solve customers' problems related to plastic injection molding. We continuously improve our mold making capability to face the challenge of precision molding.



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