奇士美企業有限公司成立於1992年以製造識別證帶.識別證套.眼鏡配件【綠色再生;符合環保概念商品】做為創立之始 一路來始終本著服務的精神為高品質/合理價位/準確交期/創造流行 而不斷努力.我們精優的工程人員,繼續為客戶加油!相信以我們的專業 能為您提供更優質的有利空間. 竭誠歡迎您的賜教
CSM Enterprise Co., Ltd. since its inception in 1992, into the twenty-three years. After the 2008 financial crisis, the domestic manufacturers have fled, continuous observation over the years, China and markets around the world, in order to create high-quality control, insisted on staying in Taiwan, providing you with the best option.
Has worked with the American retailer Walmart, Kmart and other companies producing screen-cleaning spray , mainly in the manufacture of the product identification band, identification card sets,lanyard, Lens demisting cloths and solutions, drawstring bag.
in recent years, more development microfiber cloth, retractable pull ring highly competitive and innovative products. CSM Enterprises Limited, along the way with high quality, reasonable price, accurate delivery, leading the identification card with a product market in Taiwan.
The pursuit of quality, I believe CSM.