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About Company

本公司創立於1991年,專營偏向軛之設計、製造、銷售,於1999年將製造設備轉售大陸,台灣僅為營運及開發中心。 2002年研發濕式防濃煙護眼口罩(Anti-Smoke Fire Escape Mask)成功,並取得國內及多國之專利; 並於2006年參加國際發明展, 受到評審們一致肯定,榮獲瑞士日內瓦第34屆國際發明展金牌獎、美國匹茲堡第22屆新產品發明展銅牌獎、台北國際發明暨技術交易展金牌獎及國家發明創作獎銀牌。 濕式防濃煙護眼口罩,是在火災事件中,個人呼吸的防護品,採用了濕毛巾理論來自我救援: 讓人在濃煙中能呼吸、看見、說話,且有能力逃離緊急處境。此口罩也提供了對濃煙、難聞的氣味及沙塵吸入的防護。適用於個人居家、大樓、飯店、醫院、公眾娛樂場合、隧道、地鐵、及危險場所,也適用於沙塵暴地區。 本產品具三大特色 < 3 E > 1.Effective 有效性商品設計符合濕毛巾理論, 如 a.口罩本体濕透後可隔離高溫,避免濃煙造成人體之鼻、喉、氣管等傷害 b.護眼膠膜PVC材質,可有效阻止濃煙中燃燒不完全有毒物質侵入眼睛,造成眼睛之傷害 2. Expedient 便利性 a.商品小巧輕便, 方便攜帶, 可快速佩戴尺寸: 長156mm x 寬115mm 重量: 42kg b.在黑暗中. 單手. 盲人皆可操作 3. Economical 經濟性比一般相關產品價格更為低廉,可人人擁有 希望此濕式防濃煙護眼口罩能夠被廣為應用,成為生活中基本的安全必備品。目前正尋求各國獨立代理商,共同造福人群,搶救生命。

Established in 1991, the company specializes in the design, manufacturing and sale of deflection yoke. In 1999 we transferred the facilities of our factory to the Mainland China. Currently, the office in Taiwan is only the center in charge of general operation and promotion. In 2002 we succeeded in researching and developing a mask product with anti-smoke and eyes protecting functions. The innovative mask is globally recognized for having acquired the patents of Taiwan and different countries. Moreover, in 2006 the company attended several international exhibitions of inventions, and the mask was recognized by the judges and won these prizes: Gold medal in the 34th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products Held in Geneva; Bronze medal in The 22nd Invention & New Product Exposition (INPEX) Held in Pittsburgh; Gold medal in The Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart; and Silver medal in The National Invention & Creation Award The Anti-Smoke Fire Escape Masks are personal respiratory protective device with wet towel theory for self-rescue in the event of a fire. To protect your ability to breath, see, talk,--and your ability to escape from an emergency situation. It offer the protection against smoke, fumes and dusts inhalation. It’s for private homeowners, blocks, hotels, hospitals, all places of public entertainment, tunnels, subway, danger lies, and the region of dust storm as well. Three characters: 1. Effective - Product is designed for meeting with wet towel theory, with normal function of protecting eyes and nose. Temperature Resistant: the mask main part can resist high temperature to 500 degree Celsius after soaking in water. Attention: Protein of lung cells in human bodies will be transformed when they are in condition of 70 degree Celsius or above. 2. Expedient - A. Small, lightweight and portable for wearing quickly. Size: 156mm(length) x 115mm(width) Weight: 42gm B. People can wear it in dark, by single hand, as well as the blind can do. 3. Economical - With much cheaper price than general products related, available by everyone. Hoping the Anti-Smoke Fire Escape Masks will be had wide application, and proved a basic safety-necessities of life. Meanwhile, we are looking for agents of foreign countries to benefit people and save more lives in accidents.



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