我們堅持品質,本著『保持食品鮮度,保護食品衛生』,以及追求『創新、高品質、永續經營』為目標。持續不斷創新產品,滿足客戶需求,以最好的品質、最合理的價格、最迅速的交貨期,提供給客戶最完美的服務,以致於「禹昌國際集團」在競爭激烈的市場上,能夠逐漸脫穎而出 ,銷售網路遍及全球各地區。同時發展為在亞洲各國擁有10座工廠,總員工人數超過2200人的跨國集團。
Laiwell is one of the leading manufacturers of food packaging and packaging solutions in Taiwan. Our primary products include foam trays, foam bowls, OPS containers, PP cups and trays and many other packaging products like paper cups was also developed in the late 1990s.
The company was established in 1976 and serves the consumer/retail, foodservice and international markets. Currently with 10 factories allocated over
Asia and over 2200 employees. The company remains committed in investing in best technology and people development. Guarantee the quality and safety, constantly improving and exceeding customer’s satisfaction. (i.e. ISO-9001/2000, ISO-22000, HACCP, BRC/IOP certified).
Our mission is to help our customer to increase brand awareness through adding value from the product packaging and visibility, as well as to protect, preserve and simplify distribution of the product.
As we expand, we are also actively involved in the recycling business and promote the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle) to treasure the Earth and save our planet.