Great World Ink & Paint Company, Ltd.
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About Company

大世界油墨塗料股份有限公司是一個專業油墨製造廠,也是國內油墨生產事業的技術先驅,在油墨生產領域上佔有舉足輕重的地位。本公司創始於1981年,總公司設在台南,目前擁有台南、東莞及昆山三個生產工廠,並擁有台灣島內與大陸東南沿海等多個銷售據點,可隨時提供客戶最佳的銷售服務及供貨通路。而內部除了有嚴謹的品管檢驗制度外,並擁有堅強的研發團隊,可依客戶需求提供技術上的諮詢及品質上的保證。 本公司在品質政策『產品品質均一、符合客戶需求、全員參與品管』的要求下,已衍然形成自我約束的品質管理文化。所以,為了提供客戶充分的品質保證,本公司是國內第一家取得ISO-9002及ISO-9001認證通過的油墨製造廠,並於2001年5月通過ISO-9001:2000年版新版稽核。而積極導入先進生產設備及研發設備,亦是本公司將油墨製造由傳統產業,蛻變成高科技精密化工業的另一項實際行動。所以,本著企業永續經營的理念,本公司除強調自我研發突破外,也拓展技術交流領域至國際知名油墨廠、學術機構及原料供應商,積極導入油墨科技新知及業界間之橫縱整合;期使公司能在技術不斷提昇,設備不斷精進之雙重動力下,擠身進世界級油墨製造廠行列。 本公司除了重視產品研發外,也強調產品質量上的改善。此外,更重視員工人潛能上的展現。所以,除了全力推動全員參與品管外,更重視個人才華展現、團隊精神發揮及職公福利保障等,並把C.W.Q.C﹝公司全面品質管制﹞列入公司重要經營方針之一,藉此塑造公司全員參與經營之模式,朝向永續經營之優勢企業邁進。 展望未來,本公司並不以獲得ISO-9001認證通過而自滿,而希望在全體員工團結下,形成一股無形的凝聚力,並將這股凝聚力化成快捷回應問題,積極服務客戶的行動力,去面對市場變化的挑戰,及滿足客戶的需求。 凝聚員工的向心力,才能化解公司成長的阻力;取得客戶充分的信任,才能化為公司成長的助力;掌握市場變化的趨勢,才能轉為公司進步的活力,大世界願意在產品多元化,經營國際化的成長過程中與各位共勉,並願意將成長獲利分享全體員工及客戶,更願意在社會責任上盡獻企業應盡的義務。

Great World Ink & Paint Company, Ltd., abbreviated as GWIP, are a major ink producer and also a technology leader in that field. The company was established in 1981 with its main office located in Tainan, Taiwan. Presently, it has two manufacturing locations, one in Tainan, Taiwan and the other in Dong-Kwang, China. The company has several sales offices in Taiwan and southeast China that provide superior service and delivery to customers. The company operates with a strict QC system and a strong R&D team to guarantee customers the top products and consultation to customers’ problems. To meet the demands of a constantly changing market and customers and to provide our customers with top grade products, the company has invested heavily in R&D for new product development and quality assurance to keep pace with the world’s top grade products. GWIP is the first company in the ink-manufacturing field to receive the ISO-9002 and ISO-9001 certification, and is also the first company to pass the audition of ISO-9001: 2000 Ed. The recent installation of advanced production equipment from Germany is just another example that shows our determination to up-grade our company from being a traditional manufacturer into a high-tech enterprise. Our R&D team consists of top graduates from leading universities and a team of consulting professors to satisfy the customer’s needs. The technology enhancement program for small and intermediate sized enterprises offered by the Ministry of Economy in Taiwan, has enabled us to setup a technology center at the nearby National Cheng Kung University allowing academic exchange with the professors there. In addition, GWIP has joined into the group of PIT and is a member of its board of directors. PIT origins are from DLH who is a senior water-based ink supplier in Germany. After joining the PIT, GWIP can cross communicate with PIT intensively and acquire high technical information without limit. GWIP also has its own resin suppliers who have an advanced R&D center. By getting support from these groups, GWIP can research and develop products that meet current and future demands. Besides development of new products, the company demands each employee to strive for top quality products to meet customers’ expectations. The company also emphasizes the welfare and personal development of each employee in order to achieve the goal of whole management. Therefore “Company Whole Quality Control” is one of our major policies for continuous operation. Viewing the future development of the company, we are not satisfied with receiving the ISO-9001 award but will strive further to meet the challenges of future market and customer’s demands. Our growth depends on our employee’s devotion, the customer’s trust and also on our grasp of market trends. Great World Ink & Paint Company, Ltd., is committed to growing internationally by producing multiple products. The company is willing to share its profits with the employees and customers and is also committed to meeting its social obligations.



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