Tcy-Tec. Corp.
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arrow ER-E7 LED E-27高功率燈泡
arrow ER-L228輕鋼架標準型崁入燈具
arrow ER-E6 LED MR-16高功率燈泡
arrow ER-L928輕鋼架標準型崁入燈具
arrow TCY高光效開放式燈具

About Company

仲揚生活事業股份有限公司於1999年成立,是一家集產品開發、生產、銷售於一體的企業。 仲揚生活網的發展藍圖佈局已久、願景遠大明晰,主要外銷市場集中在北美、加拿大、西班牙、新加坡、上海等地,目前也在新加坡、加拿大和上海設有服務據點,從原本主業為OEM外銷製造商,逐步跨出台灣,躍升成為國際級的通路公司!仲揚生活網的經營,不單單是某個部門、某個事業就能獨立支撐的,而是在整個團隊的和諧、團結努力中才能達成。 仲揚生活網的每一步,皆是透過與協力廠商不斷的合作與經驗累積,所以走得踏實又穩健。我們相信,與廠商建立良好的合作,才是企業長久的資產;要達成這個目標,就要懂得尊重、善用溝通協調,有鑑於此,我們不斷收集商品來源更推出自有專利商品供各經銷商代理銷售,更提供存貨服務,將提供協力廠商豐富而又完整的商品來源,同時免除庫存壓力。 本公司優勢在於擁有技術團隊多年研發經驗,目前已在高效率照明技術之設計技術上以及照明反射結構上獲得專利,產品經過不斷測試,已具備超越世界主要大廠之高功率及高穩定度之 T5 電子式節能燈具,其中自行設計具專利之高效能全反射率結構套件表現更為突出,更能將燈具達到最高光效輸出。 未來將進一步以完成開發之專業技術產品為基礎,並持續不斷研發新型專利技術,以全球市場為目標採 OEM、ODM 方式進行銷售,以專屬之高節能產品進入此一廣受重視之綠能環保市場,並秉持務實的原則來追求股東最大報酬,以永續經營為未來發展目標。 本公司前期主要在研發能提升 T5 節能燈管之 T5 電子安定器,並不斷進行測試與改良,繼之投入高光效全反射率反射結構燈具之發展,同時結合 T5 節能燈管、T5 電子安定器及全反射率結構燈盤,有效提高節能效率。 除了持續研發並進行相關認證與專利申請,已開始進入試產、製造、.. 等相關運作與商品市場化。 仲揚生活事業自成立以來,一直以誠信為基礎以人才為企業之本,不斷創造新產品並挖掘優秀客戶資源取得了令人矚目的成就。 仲揚生活事業股份有限公司擁有一支優秀的開發隊伍及管理團隊具有創新意識的工程設計師和行銷隊伍,為公司的發展提供了強有力的後備資源和保障。由於市場競爭激烈,專業難度升高仲揚生活事業將稟持精益求精的精神,以維持優勢!拓展市場版圖!

TCY-Tec Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to TCY) was established in 1999, is a product development, production and sales enterprises. TCY layout of the development blueprint for a long time, the vision of great clarity, the main focus on export markets in North America, Canada, Spain, Singapore, mainland China and other places in Zhejiang Province, is currently in Singapore, Canada and Shanghai has set a service base for the main lines of business from the original OEM export manufacturers, a gradual step in Taiwan, rose to become world-class channel company! TCY every step of the company, are continuing with third-party cooperation and experience, so go down and sound. We believe that with the manufacturer to establish a good cooperation, long-term asset is business; To reach this goal, we must know how to respect and make the best use of communication and co-ordination, in view of this, we have been the source of collection of goods also launched its own patent for the distribution of goods business sales, but also provide inventory services, will provide a rich and complete third-party sources of goods, at the same time relieve pressure on stocks. TCY advantage of the technical team have many years experience in R & D has been in high-efficiency lighting technology and lighting design technology patented reflector structure, the product through continuous testing, it has exceeded the world's leading manufacturers of high-power and high stability of the T5 electronic energy-saving lamps, of which a patent is to design high-performance package ATR performance rate structure more prominent, more will be the highest luminous efficiency lamp output. The future will be to complete the development of products based on expertise and continuous research and development of new patented technology to target the global market for mining OEM, ODM approach to sales, with exclusive access to the high-energy-efficient products by the importance of this can of green environmental protection market, and uphold the principle of pragmatic pursuit of the greatest rewards to shareholders in order to sustainable development goals for the future. TCY mainly in research and development pre-T5 energy-saving lamp to enhance the electronic ballast, and ongoing testing and improvement, followed by total reflection in the rate of high efficiency lamp reflector structure of development, combined with energy saving T5 lamp, T5 Electronic Ballast and all reflectivity structure, effectively improve the energy efficiency. In addition to continuing research and development and patent applications related to certification and has started trial production, manufacture, operation, etc. .. and of commodity markets. TCY Since its inception, has been based in good faith to personnel of the enterprise, and constantly create new products and excellent customer mining resources, has made remarkable achievements. TCY has an excellent team and management team to develop innovative engineering designers and marketing team, as the company's development of a strong back-up resources and protection. As a result of intense market competition, increase the professional degree of difficulty, TCY intrinsic holders will be the spirit of excellence in order to maintain the advantage and expand the market territory! Future: In addition to the completion of the Company has developed a number of related products and our continued efforts to enhance research and development related to energy saving lighting products related to optical power efficiency and performance to enhance the structure of solar technology innovation and development of energy-saving lamps: To upgrade the existing market, the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar technology and solar power combined with low power consumption technology and high efficiency lighting applications, an overall transformation of the creation of community self-sufficiency and power supply system with a patented high efficiency energy-saving lamps to reduce CO2 emissions and residential achieve the objectives of environmental air purification.



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