AMIA Co., Ltd.
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About Company

1.經營理念:四海之內皆朋友,感恩惜緣 本公司創立於1974年4月,開創之初,以友緣實業有限公司為名,取其四海之內皆朋友,感恩惜緣的經營理念,1977年鑒於根生台灣,服務客戶的堅持,我們成立了研發部門,1979年在土城設立工廠,開始生產鹼性蝕銅液,服務PC板製造業。爾後新的製程,新的產品,不斷由研發而推出,終於在PC板界使用的特用化學品的國內市場上取得了領先口碑。 2.營運方式:合法為首,研發為要 1985年開始投入大量人力,研發資源回收之環保技術,經數年努力,此期間亦得到國內、國外之研發單位及學術機構大力協助,終於在1989年突破技術瓶頸,完成了鹼性蝕銅液完全回收的製程技術及配方, 1993年在桃園縣蘆竹鄉成立昶昕實業股份有限公司之生產工廠。1994年6月成立環工部門,提供環保技術,加強對客戶的服務。1997年9月取得甲級廢棄物處理廠的操作許可證,1998年2月取得甲級廢棄物清除許可證,目前為國內PC板廠之含銅廢液最大處理能量的甲級廢棄物處理廠,立志為完全解決PC板廠的環保問題而全力以赴。 3.管理系統: 通過ISO-9002以及ISO-14001系統認証,對外以客戶服務為優先,對內以品質及環保為中心,昂首邁向21世紀 二十多年來,公司得以成長茁壯,完全依賴客戶全力的愛護與支持,公司內部的團隊精神以及永遠堅持的經營理念,『正派經營,感恩惜緣』,為了讓客戶更滿意,讓品質更領先,公司全體員工一起導入ISO-9002國際品質標準系統,並於1997年7月通過DNV公司之認証,目前更經環保署徵選合格,由中技社輔導,並於1998年6月通過ISO-14001之環保管制系統認証,我們標榜:對外以客戶服務為優先;對內以品質及環保管理為中心。邁向全公司品質管理的目標,達到客戶滿意、本公司生產之蝕刻液及含銅廢液處理廠提供PC板製造業最方便的清潔製程能力(本廠採用最新萃取處理製程技術)。

CFriendship Every where This company was established in April 1974, name Yio-Yen Enterprise Co., Ltd. for “Friendship everywhere, thankful for affinity.” Its R&D Department was created in 1977 to set our roots in Taiwan and the company strives for good customer services. In 1979, the factory was set up in Tu-Cherng to produce alkaline etchant for the manufacture of PC boards. Up-graded manufacturing process and new products continued to be researched and developed. Finally, we became the leader in chemicals specially used for PC boards in the domestic market. CLegal Operation Huge amounts of man-power were spent in research and development of environmental technologies in resource-recycling starting 1985. After years of hard-work, with tremendous assistance from local and foreign R&D units and academic organizations, a breakthrough was finally reached in 1989, which completed the technology and formula for recycling the spent etchant in its entirety. Production plant of the AMIA Co., Ltd. was formed in 1993 at Lu-Chu Hsiang, Tao-Yuan County. Environmental Engineering Department was established in June 1994, offering environmental protection technologies to better serve our customers. Operation Certificate for class A waste treatment plant was obtained in September 1997 and Class A collection certificate was also received in February 1998. Currently, we are the country’s largest Class A waste treatment plant for spent etchant. We strive to resolve the environmental problems concerning the PC board manufacturers. CQuality and Environment Our company has grown to its present size over the past twenty years, thanks to the endorsements and support of all customers. Within the company, our team sprit and the perpetual management concept of “decent operation, thankful for affinity” to further enhance customer satisfaction and improve our quality. By the effort of all our staff, we introduced the international quality standard of ISO-9002 in July 1997. We also received certification from DNV Company, as well as selection by the Environmental Protection Administration for the introduction of ISO-14001 environmental protection system under the supervision of China Technical Services. Finally we have received ISO-14001 in June 1998.We always stress “Outside the company we put customer services in first place and inside the company we focus on quality and environmental protection.” We aim to fulfill our goal of quality management, customer satisfaction and perpetual decent operation.



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