Ming Dih Industry Co., Ltd.
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arrow 快速成型發泡姓聚苯乙烯
arrow 熱熔膠機
arrow 快速成型發泡姓聚苯乙烯 & 熱熔膠機
arrow 快速成型發泡姓聚苯乙烯 & 二 苯 甲 醯 過 氧 化 物

About Company

明諦實業股份有限公司創立於1986年,在1994年另設立達成聚化股份有限公司,本公司生產之產品為"發泡性聚苯乙烯"簡稱"發泡膠粒"(EPS),產品之用途為高科技產品,工業用品和民生用品 之包裝及建築材料之市場,用途相當廣泛。 本公司本著不斷創新研發,追求卓越品質之精神,逐年提升品質和擴大產能及銷售網,銷售網遍及全世界,包括大陸地區,東南亞,歐洲,美洲,澳州,非洲等地區。年產量為160,000公噸。 在競爭對手方面,台灣共有六家同業競爭,本公司之整體產量和銷售量始終名列前矛。在出口方面,由於國際市場對於防火級產品之需求激增,本公司已率先研發出防火級之產品,並在2004年 通過美國UL 94 HF-1之認證,也進而成為一家專業生產發泡性聚苯乙烯產品之國際性公司。

Ming Dih Industry Co.,Ltd. was established in 1986. The objective of our EPS (Expandable Polystyrene) raw material is to be produced and used with advanced technological products, industrial products, and packaging for general consumer products. Also the materials are used in building construction as well. Therefore there's an extensive variety of usage available for this particular material. Our company is consistently developing new formulas to improve the quality and creating new materials in order to be more of a competitive company in the market of the same material. We distribute our materials worldwide to countries like America, Australia, China, Europe, Middle East and South East Asia. Our production volume has increased dramatically over the period due to high demand where we generated a volume of 160,000 tons p.a. In Taiwan there are six companies competing on the same material, where our production and distribution volume is one of the highest in our field. With in regards to exporting our materials overseas, we realise we had high demand and had consumers requesting for fire resistant materials, therefore we were one of the first companies to develop and also able to export advanced materials to consumers overseas. With this fire resistant material that we developed, it has also met the requirements and was awarded the UL94 HF-1 American Standards. Not only that we have met international standards with this material, we have continued to become an international company providing EPS worldwide.



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