Tai Wei Industrial Co.,Ltd.
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About Company

泰偉實業股份有限公司設立於西元1975年,創造自有產品市場已逾40年,不僅提供鉀明礬、銨明礬、硫酸鋁及化工原料買賣,更追求品質更完美的境界。    對於生產製造、品質上精益求精,開發更卓越的產品,自西元1996年開始,並致力於發展對國外貿易的成長。泰偉本著企業本土化的精神,不斷地提升服務品質 ,尋求產品的精緻與企業的永續。    目前我們的顧客群包括國內化工廠及零售商等,數十個國外的代理商,泰偉的產品經過三十幾年來不停的努力,讓國內廠商及國外客戶對我們的產品品質抱持著高度信任,目前主力產品為鉀明礬、銨明礬、硫酸鋁,我們對研發、製程及品質控管的水準都已經在台灣保持領先的地位,為了提供顧客更好的服務、更佳及成本更低的產品,我們將持續不斷的努力,生產符合顧客需求的產品規格與品質。 誠信為本….品質嚴格…是我們努力追求的目標,由泰偉的solgan便可了解我們對於每位客戶的重視程度,我們期許未來可以提供客戶更好更優良的產品品質。

Tai Wei Industrial Co., Ltd. (established in 1975) has been creating its own products for over 40 years now. We not only offer the buying and selling of potassium alum, ammonium alum and aluminum sulphate, but also arduously pursue quality and perfection. In production and manufacturing, we are constantly improving product quality, developing outstanding products, and, since 1990, started working towards developing foreign trade. In light of the local mindset, Tai Wei constantly raises the bar in quality of service, strives for excellent products and increases the company’s sustainability. Currently, our clientele includes domestic factories and retail stores, as well as dozens of foreign buyers. As a result of putting 30+ years of constant hard work into Tai Wei products, domestic and foreign buyers have all maintained a high level of confidence in our products’ quality. Our standards of research and development, manufacturing process and quality control in our current main products of potassium alum, ammonium alum and aluminum sulphate maintain a leading position in Taiwan. In order to provide our customers with even better service and better, lower-cost products, we will continue to always work hard to produce products that meet the specifications and quality our customers require. A foundation of honesty….unfaltering quality….is the goal we strive for. From Tai Wei’s slogan you can see just how important every one of our customers is to us, and we expect to continue to provide them with ever better and more outstanding products in the future.



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