TaiRai International Corp.
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arrow LT許願精靈香氛沐浴露1000ML,LT真愛奇蹟香氛沐浴乳1000ML
arrow 洋甘菊抗菌沐浴凝露1000ML,薰衣草抗菌沐浴凝露1000ML
arrow 香水女士沐浴乳1000ml系列
arrow BeanBaby小荳荳嬰幼兒沐浴精1000ml,BeanBaby小荳荳嬰幼兒潤膚乳液500ml
arrow 薄荷草本淨化洗髮精600ML,茶樹草本調理洗髮精600ML,洋甘菊草本舒活洗髮精600ML

About Company

公司簡介: 汰芮國際有限公司成立於2003年,主要從事百貨通路之包裝行銷與開發設計,專業提供客制化服務。力求高品質與創新力,堅持提供一流服務水準,方能在眾多同業競爭下,仍保有一定的知名度。2009年成立汰芮線上購物網,提供更優質、快速便利、安全的購物環境。多元化的提供服務與諮詢,期昐與您創造更多無限商機。 商品項目: 美妝保養 家庭五金 生活雜貨 家庭百貨 衛浴美體 香氛蠟燭 營運項目: 商品開發設計整合行銷、進出口貿易、商品諮詢服務、禮贈品大宗採購等。

TaiRai International Corp. TaiRai International Corporation was established in 2003. We Specialize in general products marketing, packaging design and OEM service. To achieve high quality and creativity, we insist in high class service therefore keeping popularity in the industry. In 2009, we set online shopping website and provide a better quality, faster, more convenient, safer shopping environment . We expect to provide multiple ways of service and advisory to create chances of corporating with you. Products items:  Cosmetics and skin care products, home Hardware, life groceries, home general merchandise, bath and body care, fragrance candle. Operation items:  Design for products development and integrating marketing, import and export trade, product advisory service, bulk gifts purchasing...etc..



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