Ta Shian Chemical Co., LTD
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arrow 汙水加入PAC後產生膠羽->沉澱
  wastewater , Flocculation , sedimentation
arrow 聚氯化鋁(PAC) ,硫酸鋁
  Polyaluminum Chloride ,Aluminum Sulfate
arrow 次氯酸鈉(NaOCl)
  Sodium Hypochlorite
arrow 液態聚氯化鋁(PAC)
  Polyaluminum Chloride
arrow 固態硫酸鋁
  Aluminum Sulfat

About Company

大軒化工股份有限公司位於高雄縣大發工業區,成立於民國79年12月31日,面積約1800坪。主要為經營廢水、理水相關藥劑,用於工業及民生用水處理。 ●公司理念: 投資改善長期競爭力的計畫。 開發客製化的產品與市場。 追求生產的規模經濟。 提供安全的工作環境。 提升品質,滿足顧客。 ●公司宗旨: 以兢兢業業的精神,誠誠懇懇的態度,不斷尋求更豐富的原料來源,以精良的品質、低廉的價格回饋給所有客戶,開拓更廣闊的事業體,將公司提昇為更多元化、多角化,達到事業永續經營的永恆目標。並期待與所有的客戶、供應商,共同成長、共享成果、共創未來。 ●公司經營策略: ★「物料回收再利用」方面 對內透過教育訓練提升環保意識且接受環保團體及政府有關部門之查核。訂定環境管理目標、標的及環境管理方案,據以持續製程減廢、污染防制及資源回收,並藉由定期內部稽核與管理審查作業以評估執行成效,以達成企業永續經營之理念 ★「生產管理」方面 為了能迅速回應市場並降低庫存,在這些前提之下還必需能兼顧成本。使用採精練生產和大量客製化等觀點作為製造業因應市場快速變遷之道;並強化關係的建立、與上下游廠商的互信程度、與上下游廠商資訊共享、與上下游廠商利害與共之共識。並透過檢驗室來確保產品品質。 ★「安全工作環境」方面 本公司為了有效控制生產過程,故製程均選用適當的原物料並訓練全體員工依操作標準執行作業;同時制訂緊急應變計劃,明訂異常之處理程序,使企業之活動、產品、服務達至最高水準。 ★「品質管制」方面 嚴格訓練運送人員,裝卸貨注意事項及緊急應變能力,運送人員定期接受危險物品運送訓練,並領有合格證。水處理,水資源,化工淨水產品,民生用水淨化產品,工業用水淨化產品

Ta Shian Chemical Co., LTD has developed and produced environmental friendly products and solutions since 1980. We offer the advanced water treatment chemicals to purify water and wastewater. In the past decades, Ta Shian has been one of Taiwan Government's major suppliers and our customized products and services are also delivered to wide range of industries. Ta Shian has earned an excellent reputation by offering high quality products and services in both fields. Vision: Total customer satisfaction with our water treatment products and solutions. Mission: Our team will supply the right and highest quality products to help our customers maximize their performance. Our target is to save environment from wasting scarce water resource, and to benefit industries by lowering waste and disposal costs and by increasing process efficiency. Culture: Ta Shian initiated business with the culture of "integrity", "commitment" and "creativity". We study what our customers' needs, and we create the solutions to meet them. We also involve ourselves in finding ways to satisfy customers' needs more efficiently and effectively than our competition. Integrity is the philosophy we operate our daily business and the promise we make to our customers and ourselves. Our vision is to completely satisfy customers and commit to environmental protection. Integrity helps us to accomplish exactly that. Business Strategies: Ta Shian will develop differentiation on products and services from our competition. In 2008, we established the Worldwide Business Development Division to extend our worldwide business. In the long term, we will affiliate with our suppliers and amplify worldwide partnership to provide more real time and customized service to our worldwide customers. We will involve ourselves in more environmental protection activities to build up our green business in the new era.Water Treatment Chemicals



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