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arrow 沛蕊 天然水解奈米珍珠粉
arrow 沛蕊 天然海洋膠原蛋白
arrow 時空活泉全方位精華液
arrow 沛蕊 天然玻尿酸前驅物 (乙醯葡萄糖胺)
arrow 時空活泉靚白醒膚露

About Company

我們與法國實驗室合作,再利用台灣發展研究院奈米生物物質暨智慧財產研究所所擁有之微脂囊、多層次包覆膠囊、精萃等技術,並與擁有專業生產資格的工廠合作,採用歐洲的成份和原料為主,開發出符合現代人需求的美容保養。 FDJ 佛登喬絲 ( 全名:Fontaine de Jouvence 意為青春之泉)之系列商品中,時空活泉多效抗老系列,添加美國派屈克 佛拉那根博士( Dr. Patric Flanagan) 歷經數十年研發成功的兩項重要成份:Microcluster Silica和Crystal Water,及主要來自歐洲的各種有效成份,獨特配方設計與技術,讓肌膚同時能獲得淨白、滋潤、調理、光滑及延緩老化之功效。 微脂囊精萃系列以先進的多層次包覆技術,深度晶潤賦活眼唇及臉部。搭配沛蕊口服美顏系列與益生菌,維持美麗與健康生活。

By cooperating with Switzerland and a French laboratory, we set about to research and develop beauty, skin care and health products that meet the needs of Asian people. In possession of numerous exceptional biotech patents and technology, our products combine together active ingredients from many countries, include exclusively developed anti-free radical agents and are manufactured with the excellent multiple layer capsulation technology. The unique innovative formula in our new series of products opens up a new life for skin. It is a top-of-the-line natural anti-aging product series. Its effects are able to match and surpass major international skin care brands.



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