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About Company

經 歷 兆綠科技股份有限公司,專長於熱泵機組與熱回收工程規劃,為拓展綠能製品的多元性,憑著豐厚的研發經驗與歷練,開發高熱效的太陽能熱水器,嚴格的品質管理與製程,讓綠能產品的效率和功能大幅進化,在未來環保節能的領域中兆綠科技必將更努力不懈。   目 的 地球環境因我們的予取予求,令溫室效應加劇、自然生態惡化天天上演,世界上開始重視綠色能源與產品的開發,國人環保意識跟著升高,對於節能產品的認識和需求日漸增加,鑒於市面上綠能產品零瑯滿目,卻諸多弊病與瑕疵耐用性不佳,故另闢蹊徑給大眾多一個選擇與比較。使用正統MIT綠能產品,為保護地球盡一份力,也給下一代留住美好環境。   創新: 繼續研發提升綠能產品使用效率,達到零污染的產品,本公司生產的零件皆可重複使用。 責任: 二氧化碳的排放,使得居住的環境逐漸惡化,身為使用者的我們,有責任改善環境降低汙染。 品質: 本公司的產品皆為專利設計,台灣生產監製品質保證。 (專利證號M377568)  

Our Experience ZHAO LUI SOLAR TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. specializes in heat pumps and heat recycle engineering programs. In order to broaden the varieties of our products, based on many years of experience in research and development, we develop high heat-efficiency solar-powered water heater. Strict quality control and manufacturing process greatly enhance the efficiency and functionality of our eco-product. Zhao Lui Solar Technology Co., Ltd will work hardly in eco-friendly and energy-saving field in the future.   Our Goal Because of human being’s ever increasing demands, cause the greenhouse effect to exacerbate and natural ecosystem to deteriorate every day. World has started to pay attention to green energy and eco-friendly products development. Domestically eco protection consciousness has also arisen and people are more aware of the energy-saving products and the requirement of these kinds of products has increased. In view of there are many eco products in markets, but most of them has the drawbacks, flaws and the product durability not so long, therefore, we provide the public a better option and comparison to use formally made in Taiwan green product to make effort on protecting the earth and preserving the fine environment for our next generation.   Our Innovation: Zhao Lui research and develop continuously to elevate the working efficiency of our green products to reach zero-pollution products level. Components that our company manufactured are reusable. Our Responsibility: Carbon dioxide emission has gradually worsens our living environment. So we as a user of the environment have to take the responsibility to make improvement and decrease the pollution to it. Our Quality: Zhao Lui products are all patent designed, manufactured and supervised in Taiwan and the quality is guaranteed.  



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