本公司鉦國製網工業有限公司成立於民國八十年,在桃竹苗地區深耕已久,服務範圍亦拓展全省,並有加工產品配合廠商而外銷國外,所製之產品廣泛用於食衣住行方面,在線材加工、化學食品過濾、建築裝潢、廚浴金屬製品上已獲得不少的口碑, 企舊雨新知能給予我們支持並讓我們有機會能為您服務。
Jheng Guo Wire Mesh Industrial Co.,Ltd.was established in 1991 and built up business coverage in North / Middle of Taiwan. Our service had been widely spread in all Taiwan and produce processing goods for companies’ export, these products are widely used in daily life, wire processing, chemical food filtration, Building construction decoration, kitchen & bath metal products that have obtained many good praises from our customers. We do hope to have the opportunity to serve with you and get supports from you in the near future.