CheeYi Metal Co., Ltd.
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arrow 鍍鈦防火玻璃門
arrow 鑄鋁藝術門(雙開)-B
arrow 鑄鋁藝術門(雙開)-A
arrow 烤漆&木紋雙玄關-B
arrow 烤漆&木紋雙玄關-A

About Company

儕億金屬股份有限公司成立於1994年,創建之初,從事製造各種板材金屬加工、圍幕牆,以及承接門廳工程,旋轉門…等類代工開闢市場,於2003年擴廠,搬遷至雲林縣斗六擴大工業區。 因早年有幫忙代工門的經驗,又剛好台灣於 2002年正式修法將防火門原甲級與乙級,改為A、B標準,此項法令讓防火門市場產生無限商機。儕億金屬原先對金屬板材就十分了解,藉由此優勢,於2002年致力於研發及生產一系列的防火門。 生產的防火門品質,經過市場多年的考驗,絕對可符合高品質、高規格標準。 所使用的加工機械十分精密,且利用自動化流程,產品並100% 依照報告書標準程序製造,貴公司品質絕對達政府檢驗標準,其產品以達到客戶所要求的高品質、高精緻。 目前產品已有數張防火證照,未來陸續研發防火玻璃門、防火橫拉門等新產品與證照。 營業項目: 各種金屬建材、(單開、雙開) 鋼木門、鑄鋁門、各種60A 防火門系列、製造/組立/ 自動粉體烤漆加工 機械設備: 日本 Amada V-cut 鉋床彎剪床數台/ Finn-Powder NCT 沖孔機, 線切割

CHEE-YI Metal Co., Ltd was established in 1994. At the early stage, CHEE-YI devoted into metal board processing, curtain walls, entrance hall project, revolving doors and other OEM. In 2003, the company was expanded and moved to DouLiu, Yunlin County. With our experience in OEM as well as fireproof doors upgraded to A and B standard in Taiwan in 2002, this regulation has brought numerous business opportunities. CHEE-YI has a sound understanding of metal boards. With this advantage, in 2002, CHEE-YI started research and production in fireproof door industry. We have produced high quality fireproof doors for many years and have passed years of tests. We use high precision processing machinery with automatic production. Our products go through standard procedure 100%. Our products are guaranteed to reach your government standard as well as yours. We have gained several fireproof certificates. In the future, we will continue researching fireproof glass doors, sliding doors, other new products and certificates. Services: The main sales: Different kinds of metal building material, (one-side open, two- sides open), stainless wood doors, aluminum casting armored doors, different 60A fire resistant door, and manufacture/ fabricate/ automatic powder coating Equipment: Several Japan Amada V-cut planers, Finn-Powder NCT pouch machine, linear cutting



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