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arrow 組合式工具箱
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arrow 折疊手推車
arrow 手推車

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豫群企業有限公司成立於1994年,始研發製造多種實心輪,供應於各類手推工具車使用,諸如割草機、嬰兒車、獨輪車等,尺寸從4"∼16"。特別是本公司之EVA實心輪,採用最新之環保技術製造,既輕盈又耐用、抗UV、抗氧化、無污染,實難能可貴。目前本公司更發展為折疊式手推車與實心輪主要製造供應商,行銷世界各地。不論是電子行銷網、零售業、電視購物頻道,全都炙手可熱,其領域更及家用品、DIY與園藝市場,靈巧方便,處處可見。 此外,本公司亦推出新產品,成為大家在生活中的好幫手,如透明工具盒,由十八個透明小合組成,內含隔板,是為一項多樣聚容功能之產品,三十六房內容空間設計,可讓您多樣置入小工具或螺絲,是您家庭DIY的良伴,更是木工、水電工們不可或缺的幫手。另有四輪咬合式平板車,可隨您搬動物體之體積,組成您所需之大小,絕不受限於般運工具之尺寸,又智慧,又方便。此板車也用於盆景園藝,因其多款亮麗色澤,置盆時,更添美感,又可協助輕鬆移動,無怪乎成為此界之寵兒。另外,割草機輔助器,幫助您輕鬆移動割草機,不會受制於地形,每個角落皆可完成作業,更重要的是不會讓您的腰部造成負擔,可謂是符合人體工學之產品。 豫群企業永遠求新求變,除上述問世之產品,現皆段更致力於園藝工具傾搬式推車之研發與年長者行動推車之開展,期能達成全方位之服務,滿足客戶需求。豫群永遠是您的好伙伴。

Best Caddy was founded in 1994, specializing in the research and manufacturing of solid wheels for use in lightweight, low-speed applications. These flat-free wheels are made from Thermoplastic Elastomers (EVA), making them UV and oxidation resistant, lightweight, durable, and environmentally friendly.Ranging in size from 4” to 16” in diameter, these wheels are perfect for hand trucks, baby strollers, wheelbarrows, etc. Soon after developing flat-free wheels, Best Caddy began the development of the folding hand-truck. Demonstrated on television, and available on the Internet and in retail stores, this extremely versatile and durable product quickly became a very popular item. Best Caddy is now the world’s largest manufacturer of solid wheels and folding hand trucks. Best Caddy continues to develop products to make our lives easier. One such product is the Craft Caddy. The Craft Caddy is a modular storage tool case, consisting of 18 clear compartments, each with its own space divider. Each compartment can even be removed and hooked onto the user’s belt! The Craft Caddy is easily the “best helper” to craft makers, do-it-yourselfers, carpenters, and plumbers.   Another convenient Best Caddy product is the 4-wheel Snap Mover. High-impact plastic squares with caster wheels snap together to form a base of practically any size for moving heavy objects or potted plants. This practical product is further enhanced by its choice of bright colors.   The Trimmer Trolley is yet another very popular product. It is designed to reduce back strain, fatigue, and discomfort often associated with using line trimmers. Attaching to the bottom of your trimmer, the Trimmer Trolley creates a stable, balanced platform, providing a uniform trimming height or consistent edging depth.   Other innovative Best Caddy products include dump carts and grab bars. Best Caddy is dedicated to the development of products to help ease our lives and is continually adding new products. Best Caddy is your best partner always – past, present, and future.



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