Why Wait Machinery Co., Ltd.
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arrow 氣動馬達式吸洩油機-B
arrow 三用功能積碳清洗機
arrow 氣動馬達式吸洩油機-A
arrow 吸、洩、加油機
arrow 廢油機

About Company

樺偉機械有限公司創辦於民國八十一年,本公司最先以製造廢油機、吸油機之換油設備為主,因應國內外市場客戶需求。當時汽車維修保養廠 定期更換保養觀念並不普及尚處於萌芽階段;近年來因消費者意識抬頭、知識傳播快速及汽車產業蓬勃發展,帶動了汽車維修市場的興盛,汽車維修已是汽車產業中不可或缺重要環節。本公司已有十多年製造銷售經驗,在負責人廖本淮先生的領導下,不斷地精益求精,追求產品卓越品質,產品已從原先單一功能進階為雙用功能,近來甚至已成功研發出三用功能的機器,替客戶節省營業空間及成本,廣受市場好評;本公司的產品無論在國外內皆有良好銷售佳績,可見我們產品之品質與實用性是深受肯定與喜愛。最近本公司又成功地研發專為汽車冷氣系保養之機器,銷售到國內知名保養廠得到良好的評價,更有許多國外客戶因此慕名前來購買,不可諱言冷氣系統保養勢必會在最近幾年成汽修界的主流趨勢,必會替汽修界帶來莫大商機。

Why Wait machinery CO., LTD. was established in 1992. Originally, our company mainly manufactured waste oil drainer machine and oil exchanging equipment of oil extracting machines in order to meet requirements of domestic and oversea customers. At the time, it wasn't common that auto shops change oil and maintain car periodically, and this idea is still in the initial stage. In recent years, the rising consciousness of consumers, quick-spreading knowledge and flourishing growth of the auto industry promote the prosperity of the auto maintenance market. Auto maintenance has become an indispensable element in auto industry. Our company has more than 10 years of manufacturing and marketing experience. Under the leadership of our managing director, Mr. Ben-Why Liao, we constantly improve our products and pursue the best quality of our products. We have promoted the single function of our products to dual functions. Recently, we've even successfully developed the machine with three functions, saving business space and prime cost for our customers, which have gotten appreciation in the market. Our products have done excellent performance in sales in domestic and oversea markets, thus, the quality and practicality of our products have been approved by the market. Lately, we have successfully developed a flush machine for the A/C system. We've sold this product to well-known auto shop in domestic and it has received a very good reputation from these markets. Moreover, lots of foreign customers are attracted by its reputation and come to us for purchasing it. We are sure that A/C system maintenance will be the major trend in the auto maintenance industry in recent years, and it will bring lots of business opportunities to the auto maintenance industry.



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