AHOKU Electronic Company.
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arrow 旅行用無線路由器
arrow 車用逆變器
arrow 1080P高畫質行車記錄器
arrow 萬國轉接USB充電器-C
arrow 萬國轉接USB充電器-B

About Company

歐格自1983年創業以來,即專注於”電子”與”機構”技術,憑藉著領先的研發技術及對高品質理念的堅持,從領先市場開發「電子保護插接器(Surge Protectors)」,到擁有全世界最多專利之「旅行用多國轉接器/變壓器/USB充電器(Universal Travel Adapter/Converter/USB Charger)」,建立起歐格在專業電源領域之領導地位。 近年來,更將核心技術向外延伸,跨足通訊週邊產業領域,推出「電力線網路橋接器(Power Line Communication Outlets)」、「機櫃電源分配裝置(Rackmount PDU)」等產品;為響應節能減碳,也積極投入綠能節能相關電源產品之研發,推出「節能電子保護插接器(Power Saving Surge Protectors)」; 此外,在發展快速之汽車電装市場,也積極投入相關電源產品之研發,推出「智慧型汽車電池充電器(Portable Car Battery Charger)」、「車用直流轉交流電升壓充電器(Car 12V DC to AC Power Inverter/USB Charger)」等系列產品。透過核心技術之不斷延伸運用,使得歐格在電源產品專業領域上,持續成長茁壯。 有鑑於數位多媒體技術(Digital Multi-Media Technology)為未來高科技的發展趨勢,歐格積極整合資源,延伸核心技術,投入數位多媒體技術研發,並於2002年順利推出「液晶電視(LCD TV)」、「數位廣告機(Digital Advertising Screen)」,更於2011年領先市場開發「觸控式行車紀錄器(Touch Panel Car DVR)」。未來將配合數位多媒體產業發展,延伸核心技術能力,持續開發出具有獨特差異化之趨勢產品,實踐世界級數位多媒體產品專業廠商之發展目標。 展望未來,歐格全體同仁仍將秉持一貫的誠心與創意,致力於「電源」、「通訊」及「數位多媒體」產品創新、整合與研發,提供客戶整合性客製服務,期與客戶形成策略合作伙伴,共同角逐目標市場,創造彼此雙贏之競爭優勢。

AHOKU focuses its core competences on Electronic and Mechanical technology since the business started in 1983. From the first Surge Protectors in the market to the invention of world’s largest patent product set, including Universal Travel Adapter, Converter, USB Charger, AHOKU has established its leadership in professional power source and supply field with its pioneering R&D and the persistence on excellence. Recent years, AHOKU has strengthened its core competence by extending business to communication-related field and it has launched a Power Line Communication Outlets, Rackmount PDU and related products. As for being an environmental friendly enterprise, AHOKU diligently puts effort in developing green power and energy-saving products and launching Power Saving Surge Protectors. Furthermore, AHOKU has dedicated itself to developing auto-related products in the fast-growing automotive electrical equipment market and launching Portable Car Battery Charger, Car 12VDC to AC Power Inverter/USB Charger and forth series products. Through the business extension and the core competence improvement, the annual growth rate of AHOKU has been on a raise in the professional field. Comprehension on the fact that Digital Multi-Media Technology will be gradually becoming the mainstream of hi-tech in coming years, AHOKU assiduously integrates the resource to the R&D of Digital Multi-Media Technology and successfully launched the LCD TV, Digital Advertising Screen in 2002. Moreover, AHOKU has become the market leader and as well as developed Touch Panel Car DVR in 2011. In the near future, AHOKU will persist on developing the products of high differentiation, competitive edge and Digital Multi-Media Technology, therefore to achieve the corporate goal that becoming a world-class professional Digital Multi-Media Company. The staff of AHOKU will devote their passion and creativity to product innovation, product integration, and the R&D in Power Supply, Communication, and Digital Multi-Media Technology section. AHOKU consistently provides fine customer services and it expects to create strategic alliances and partnerships with the main customers. AHOKU develops target market, stabilizes competitive advantage and creates win-win solutions.



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