Anpinn Industry Co.,LTD.
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arrow 汽車零件-E
arrow 農機零件(傳動系統)&汽車零件
arrow 農機零件(離合器蓋)
arrow 農機齒輪(傳動系統)
arrow 汽車零件-D

About Company

安品實業股份有限公司成立於1978年,生產各式各樣的傳動齒輪,主要用在汽車、機車、重機工業和農業機械,深受客戶的喜愛及信任。 我們重視高品質及高效率,依照市場的趨勢,我們提供客戶依照他們的需求,公司不斷的改善品質,讓公司與客戶得到雙贏的關係,盡我們最大的努力,擁有專業知識與豐富的經驗,持續求新求變,展望未來的技術趨勢,精益求精,提升公司的競爭力,增加產品的質與量,並透過公司與公司之間的技術交流與應用,生產最優質的產品,歡迎與我們聯絡及訂購。

Established in 1978,Anpinn Industry Co.,LTD. Manufactures various of transmission gear for automobiles, motorcycles, heavy-duty Industrial and Agricultural applications. For sale abroad regional depth customer affection and trust. We are very impatient high Quality, high efficiency. According to the market trend, we provide customers with their demands. Our company constantly improves product quality to achieve a win-win situation with customers. We will do our best. Have the specialized knowledge and the rich experience. Continues to ask to strive for changes newly, look forward to the future technical tendency, will strive for perfection, the promotion company's competitive power, will increase the product the nature and the quantity, and will penetrate between the company and company's technological exchange and the application, will produce the highest quality product. Welcome to contact with us and to order.



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