關於名喬國際商業有限公司 (銳馬車業精品 / 豐銘動力科技):
名喬國際成立於1989 (民國 79 年) ,專業研發生產製造引擎零配件。十幾年來一貫堅持品質的要求與性能的提昇,並積極投入開發品質與性能兼具的產品,提供消費者更精良優質的商品。
由於豐銘實業所開發之商品深獲國內外業者與消費者信任選用,因此在2002 (民國 91 年) 再成立名喬國際
Our company has been specialized in the manufacture of engine parts since its inception 1990. Over the past years, we have insisted on product quality and function upgrade in order to provide customers with more excellent commodities.
To meet increasing market demand, we set up a new company to handle imports and exports of testing products for overseas vehicles in 2002. This new company also promotes exports of locally made fine parts package.