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懷代實業有限公司成立於民國84年(1995年), 在台灣已經有十八年以上經驗之消防器材專業製造廠。本公司在技術方面歷年來不斷地創新且陸續取得多項消防器材相關專利,依客戶需求提供客製化服務。近年來敝公司更不斷研發新產品,並取得新型雨刷的結構專利(台、美、德、日、中、俄…等,其他國家審核陸續申請中)及相關技術,並且備妥生產線將進一步推廣到世界各國。歡迎有汽車用品相關需求之顧客/經銷商,來函洽詢共同合作內外銷市場。市場策略: 本公司顧及每項產品之品質,採取品質要求路線,先求產品品質達到所需要求之標準,再慢慢提高生產量。產品主要面對的消費族群鎖定在前百分之三十之中高單價雨刷市場。在市場拓展方面,產品會以台灣開始推廣販賣後開始,從亞洲擴展到全市場之市場。 經營理念因為是消防器材起家,所以本公司產品都以安全品質為優先考量。雨刷是非常大眾化的消耗品,每一年各大廠的外銷數量一定不在話下,在量的立足點上敝公司雖無法與其他大廠相比。但本公司相信,一樣好的東西,就是要給顧客安全,使用長久,減低替換次數及降低開支,改變大眾短時期及替換之使用模式,更是朝著環保愛地球的目標在前進。我們對品質的要求,以及在材料選用上都是經過重重考量,價格雖在中高價位,但給予在行車時車主們的安全,是值得備受期待的。本公司以針對汽車零配件、遊覽車公司、需特別尺存雨刷之相關行業提供高品質且合理價格的服務為敝公司之目標。

FAIDEK Industrial Co., LTD, was established in 1995, is a professional fire- fighting equipment manufacturer more than 18 years. We constantly innovating technical skills and get many patents that are related to fire-fighting equipment over the years to provide customized services according to customers’ demand. Moreover, we keep developing new products and obtain the patent of new wiper structure (Patented in Taiwan, Germany, Japan, Russia and China. The process of applying is meanwhile ongoing in other countries.) and related technical knowhow, we’re looking forwarding to promote this product too the global market. We hereby sincerely welcome all customers or distributors who are interested in automotive spare parts to feel free to contact us for more information or mutual cooperation for exporting market. Marketing strategy: As we believe "Quality before Quantity", the high quality is always the FAIDEK Group's top priority on every production before mass production. For the market expansion, our scheme will be from Taiwan and Asian area to the global market. Management Philosophy Built up a fortune from fire-fighting products, FAIDEK consider the safety and quality of each product as the priority. Wiper is a very common and consumptive product, so we can easily imagine the great production and export amount of major company. Although our quantity can’t compared with one of other major manufacturers for now, we always believe that one superior product can have long life-time and give customers the comprehensive safety, lowering replacement frequency and expenses, further change the public usage pattern and achieve the goal of environment-friendly. We are thoughtful on the quality of materials and asking of the products. The price might be a bit high, but we have confidence on the function our product can give to the users. FAIDEK Group provides high-quality products with reasonable price to all automotive parts or tour buses manufacturers or other related industries that need specific size orders. FAIDEK Group is always sincerely looking forward to a better future with the attitude of profession, high standard, sincerity with our clients.



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