Heng Fu Industrial Co., Ltd.
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About Company

亨福實業股份有限公司創立20年來屹立不搖,在經濟不景氣的時代中面臨重重考驗,但公司秉持傳統產業之精神,追求最高的品質,腳踏實地、一步一腳印,因此,在電子產業最旺盛的時代仍能持續成長,化危機為轉機。 亨福以一代傳承一代,一位帶領一位方式為員工做最完整的教育訓練,更運用一套完善而多元的教育訓練計畫同步執行,任何一位新員工都可以最快的時間進入公司狀況,為公司與個人發揮最大的效能,盡最大的貢獻,同時也為社會大眾做應有的回饋。 亨福實業股份有限公司對於E時代來臨的敏感度是相當高的,2002年大陸廠及台灣廠辦公大樓落成後,將會透過電子網路的架設,作公司整體性ERP,企業軟體工程整合,在硬體方面將大幅度採用電腦數值控制的機械、生產設備等。同時把成果分享給所有客戶及合作夥伴,讓亨福實業股份有限公司快速躍上國際的大舞台。 公司積極朝向直接外銷邁進,未來將在世界各點設立代理商,更方便提供客戶產品線,亨福預計將來佔全世界產品線50%以上。

QUALITY, EFFICIENCY, SERVICE, RESPONSIBILITY Heng Fu Industrial Co., Ltd. has been one of the leading manufacturers of automotive parts industry in Taiwan for 20 years. With continuous progress in technical and quality, Heng Fu keeps growing up stably year by year. In this information era, an enterprise is surely experienced the transformation of the modern culture, as a result, Heng Fu actively installed the network and software to carry out the ERP in mainland factory and Taiwan office in 2002, also the digital controlled machinery and manufacturing equipment are greatly applied in the production, meanwhile, we share our achievement to our customers and partners so as to contribute them to grow up into international stage. Heng Fu has established distribution network all over the world, which helps us to better promote our products in the international market, owing to our punctual delivery, competitive price and diversified production line, now we have successfully obtained more than 50% market share and received customers’ support and trust widely, but we will carry out continuous research and development, establish our technical standard, improve the efficiency of the processing to provide customers with superior products and services. Our glory comes from your appreciation, how to maintain and create a more glorious, brilliant future, is our most important responsibility.



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