R.P.M. CO., LTD.
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About Company

我們是均輝企業有限公司,主要營業項目為汽機車精品OEM ODM開發,並經營自有品牌RPM,自1987年創立迄今,廣受消費者推崇並擁有多項熱賣商品,為機車零售業界屹立不搖、值得信賴的國產品牌。 除此之外,RPM近幾年也積極拓展海外市場,目前中國、日本、東南亞、歐洲等地均有我們的總代理,我們不僅積極參與贊助有關賽事各項活動,在國內更是與許多經銷店面合作,讓RPM產品能見度大增,配合每年行銷計畫的推動下,使得這不景氣的環境下,RPM依然保有競爭力,年營收也每年呈現正成長。 近幾年我們開始創立品牌公仔RPMan等人物結合公司文化,並著手經營Facebook官方粉絲專頁”RPM SUSPEN-SION”,藉由公仔之間互動,提供車友相關產品知識也增加對品牌熟悉度,並著手周邊商品的設計,目前將賣場設立於露天拍賣,名稱為RPM SHOP,商品有冰箱貼、潮T、個性貼紙、筆座等,樣式五花八門,希望RPM精神不僅止於機車產業更能融入生活中,官方網站全面重新改版,新增購物車功能,希望以更方便的銷售方式提供給全球的喜好者,持續穩健邁入下一個世代。

R.P.M Co., Ltd. was founded in 1987, specialize in develop and produce motorcycle OEM ODM performance parts and accessories under “R.P.M” brand. After years of diligence, R.P.M now has various popular items recommend by users and are now one of the leading company in Taiwan for motorcycle parts. In recent year, R.P.M also actively expanding global market, which now have distributors in China, Japan, South East Asia and Europe, we are not only eagerly participate and sponsor all major race event, also collaborate with domestic distributor in order to expose R.P.M products, therefore R.P.M increase in competitiveness and sales growth under economic downturn environment. R.P.M mascot, which is called RPMan and other characters in combine with company culture, and with R.P.M SUSPENSION Face book fan page, RPMan plays important roles for interactive with users regarding products knowledge and increase brand reputation, available with refrigerator magnet, T-Shirt, sticker, and varieties of commodities, the all new official website added with online purchase function, to provide more efficient and convenient products sales and delivery to global enthusiasts, moving forward to next generation.



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