千協為一家插頭零件製造廠,成立於1983年,秉持品質優良,技術專業,服務周到,永續經營的理念。從設計到製造生產採用一貫化的作業,以電腦化的精密模具設計,專業化的製造生產技術,提供品質優良的各種插頭零件、通訊 電腦、影視、音響、電源插頭、車用插頭、寢具用 燈具、插頭接插座產品。 本公司依客戶所需OEM/ODM,設計製造各種插頭零件,沖製品,車製品,塑膠製品,隨時為各用戶製作各種五金配件,塑膠製品,電鍍加工各種五金表面鍍金,鎳,銅,鉻,錫隨時供客戶所需。
Company Info: Established in 1983, Chi Shi Enterprise Co. insists on the principles such as product quality, professional technique, good customer service, and sustainable development. Based on the consistent process, from design to manufacture, the computerized precious mold design, and experienced skill, we bring customers a variety of plugs parts, socket of communication, computer, media products, power, vehicles, bedding lighting, and plug to socket products. Chi Shi provides custom made service like OEM/ODM, design and produce all kinds of plug parts, products made by lathe and punch machines, and plastic products. We are here to give you the different metal parts, plastic products, and plating process services with various metals like gold, nickel, brass, chromium, and tin.