馥鴻科技股份有限公司自有品牌"守護眼 VACRON"取自英文中"VISION ON ADVANCED CAMERA RECORDERING SOLUTION。VACRON"的縮寫,象徵是以先進影像錄影(監控)科技,系統及解決方案視野,提供安防監控、視音儲存、行車監控等.....系列產品,達到安防的全面保障。這份保障建立在"守護眼VACRON"的各項核心技術上,經過多年的經驗累積、一次次的實驗、測試成就出的優異技能。掌握核心技術,我們也追求突破自我能力、領先世界潮流,因此"守護眼VACRON" 積極拓展全球化的國際版圖。
Inspired and abbreviated from VISION ON ADVANCED CAMERA RECORDING SOLUTION, VACRON is to promise and provide a new vision, advanced technology and security system to satisfy different security demands. From cameras to DVRs, IP surveillance products to vehicle recorders, VACRON’s complete product lines guarantee a total surveillance security to our customers. The guarantee is established upon VACRON’s various core technology advantages. Over 20 years, we have accommodated abundant experiences and skills in image processing and storage technologies. “Think globally, act locally”, we know security demands are different in various areas. As a result, we continue to develop global markets and hear customers’ voices from different regions to design our products with diligence and agility. Also, we know the core value for security is “trust” so we not only invest on developing new technologies for our products but also insist on providing stable and reliable quality products for our customers. VACRON, with trustworthy and reliable CCTV products, we provide solutions for total security products. We are a company with innovative vision, integrated advanced technologies and a reliable, friendly security service provider with global prospective. VACRON PROFILE