Great Quantas International Inc.
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About Company

西元1995年,在一個還沒有人重視食品包裝的年代,一家專為休閒食品設計其「服裝」的公司─Quantas誕生了。 Quantas發現食品包裝可以不只是包裝,可以是一種流行,一種文化。 Quantas開始在食品包裝上玩遊戲,顛覆造型將平凡無奇的杯盤玩出趣味.玩出新意也玩出實用與藝術。Quantas玩出了專業,也成為食品包裝的專業設計玩家。 Quantas想「如果漂亮的包裝能帶給食品們歡樂,那麼歡樂的食品應該也會帶給人們歡樂」,西元1998年,Quantas成立POPSTAR,它為Quantas王國奠定了基礎,西元2001年,以前瞻.專業.歡樂.休閒定為指導原則,成立了─休閒歡樂食品王國。 Quantas說: 有前瞻的專業能帶給人們希望,有歡樂的休閒環境可給予人們歡樂,我們創造歷史,一個屬於Quantas的歷史,屬於人類快樂歡笑的歷史;我們在打造傳奇,一個歸於Quantas的傳奇,歸於你我的傳奇故事.....

In 1995, Quantas, a company made for designing the ''clothing'' for leisure foods, was born in a time that no one valued the food package. Quantas found food package is not just as the words ''Food Packing'', it could not only for packing but also for fun and fashion. Thus, Quantas started playing creativities on the food packing. We put ordinary plates and cups into arts, designer and our products are always artistic and practical. While creative food packing brings happiness to people. Quantas would never stop thinking other alternatives to bring more joyfulness to people. In 1998, POPSTAR had created to continually bringing the joyless by introducing American snacks to Taiwan. We hope to create joyful kingdom of snack foods. We say a forethoughtful profession brings people hopes; a cheerful environment brings people happiness; We create a history for Quantas, a history for merriment. We Create a legend, a legend for Quantas, and for you....



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