陽極處理,是鋁合金表面處理最刁鑽的一門學問,老一輩鋁擠師傅總是說,陽極就好比鋁擠的美容師。游董事長歷經數次創業,約三十年前選擇在台中太平落腳,優秀的技術加上服務的熱忱,使 “創鑫陽極企業有限公司”成為業界的典範。
Yuh Field Industry is a professional manufacturer for aluminum extrusion, fabrication, and anodize with great cooperation with many kinds of clients such as IKEA and Johnson, etc. We established our factories for over 30 years, and Yuh-field is one of our company for all-in-one service and international business since 2002. our products are applied in many fields such as transportation, construction, packaging, and electrical transmission, etc. With excellent aluminum fabrication technology all our OEM products are made in Taiwan, we can turn out the most cost- effective products for your OEM projects.