博醫股份有限公司創立於2013年,由神經免疫學家鍾成晏博士、植物學家吳柏宏博士、生醫藥學家張瀞文博士與上海派杜李威中醫師共同創辦,以『植萃生醫』為本,不斷追求創新技術及卓越品質,致力於植物萃取與美容保健醫療產品的開發。博醫的核心信念即『Beautify Your Life』,無論外在還是內在,我們持續堅持天然化與科學化,以及品質、卓越、創新及服務的四大原則,滿足消費者的需求,並引領消費者走進『美麗人生』。
About Medoc
Medoc Incorporation was founded in 2013 by Dr. Chen-Yen Chung, Dr. Bo-Hong Wu, Dr. Ching-Wen Chung and Dr. Li-Wei Tu. To Integrate neuroimmunology, botany, biomedicine and Chinese medicine, Medoc committed to new technology and outstanding quality on the botanic-based medicine and ventured into plant chemistry, beauty industry and biomedical industry. Medoc has strong scientific foundation to develop quality, prominence, innovation and service for the customers under our core belief ” Beautify Your Life” externally, as well as internally.