Famgions Enterprise CO,.LTD,
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Gravity Impact Pump
arrow 重力衝擊泵

About Company

我們是 陶渭企業股份有限公司(Famgions enterprise Co. Ltd.,),成立於1994年,原為台灣機械零件專業製造商,專注於機械零件、組件、專用機、模具、冶具、檢具等的設計製造及組裝;實積有:良維科技、中山科學研究院、三通航太、山葉機車、台灣電裝…等知名廠家。

在2011年我們成功的研發出:地表涇流水(溪河溝壑)用,完全不須用油不須用電的無耗能水泵的<<重力衝擊泵>>,僅需約1m水源落差,即可24小時以小水量高揚程或遠距離供水,性能優於水槌泵Hydram Pump,並在2012年獲頒台灣優產品<專利技術金創獎>,在2013年台北國際發明展獲頒<銀牌獎>,在2016年2月獲頒<發明專利第I522528號證書>。



Working mechanism of the Gravity Impact Pump

Lead the river or ravine water to the empty basket of gravity impact pump through the host or ditch. The full filled basket will fall down and pour the water back to the river and meanwhile convert the potential energy into the impact momentum on the hammer to push the piston pump hardly. The selected piston pump according to the height of the water needs to be pumped up and the pressure will be created. The water will be pumped to the place through the host. The empty basket will return to the initial position and start the cycle over. As long as the water goes into the basket continuously, no matter fast or slow, the pump will work without stop 24 hours a day.
The pump can link with several others by series or parallel way to increase the pump efficiency if the river site allows. The outlet can link with some supportable accessories to widen the utilization of the water.

Locate pump

˙Site selection: Pump should be located at the river side or a ravine where it will not be submerged by the water in heavy rain. Nor at the place where is hard to return the water poured from the full basket. It would be better to have a cover to suppress the noise due to the pump operation or to avoid stealing.
˙Pump selection: Ensure the output pressure first. It is the pressure for the height water needs to climb and the pressure should be sustained by the accessories of the pump. Calculate the height difference by the GPS readings for both the pump location and the water should be pumped to. Times it with 0.1 will come out the pressure due to the height difference. Check out the right pump size from the pressure read out and the pressure required for the whole system . The sum of these pressures is the out pressure of the pump. You can find out the out water volume pre cycle from the charts above.
˙Water source construction: Should have screen to block the trunk and leafs of trees, sedimentation basket before leading the water to the pump inlet. The outlet of the sedimentation basket should higher than the basket inlet and the slop should not less than 1/30. For the model GIP075, the height difference should bigger than 75cm, water flow rate should bigger than 35 liter/min. For the model GIP100, the height difference should bigger than 100cm and the water flow rate should be bigger than 70 liter/min.
˙Drainage construction: Use the ditch host or runoff to return the water back to river. The return water should the 2 times of the leading water
. ˙Output host: Pump output the water to the place you want or to the surrounding systems. A pressure regulator is needed to protect the systems if output to the surrounding systems directly. Host should be able to sustain the operation pressure. Keep the host from the sun light which will age the host.
˙Inspection and maintenance: Periodic check to keep the pump system working properly is needed once it is installed. Daily check the water inlet port up stream for the stunk and leafs or sands are recommended. Make sure no object block the water to the inlet host. Oil the rotation joints and replace the hammer as necessary to keep the pump in smooth running. Not recommend to operate this pump un the winter time if it is in freezing condition. Empty the host water to prevent the ice inside the host which may break the host.



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