INT台灣怡凌染化紡織集團( I.N.T. International INC) 成立於2001年,為化學紡織產業之專業染顏料及紡織品牌國際企業集團,主要以研發及自有品牌之染料相關特用化學品行銷全球,以國際運籌方式整合台灣、印度及中國大陸三大染顏料生產基地,發展出橫跨上下游之針織、染化、成衣、印花之整體染化紡織產業完整供應鏈。 目前怡凌集團擬於中國上海、中美洲宏都拉斯、東南亞泰國、印尼設立投資公司與美洲及東南亞發貨中心,以就近國際市場的方式提供全方位技術與產品服務。
隨著國際環境保護意識高漲,怡凌集團特別針對各種不同染紡需求發展環保節能染顏料產品,並以自有品牌NAVACRON取得瑞士Testex染顏料國際最高規格Eco-Passport認證。 此外,怡凌集團也積極發展高附加價值染顏料核心關鍵技術與相關產品,2014年設立先進染紡技術研發中心並成立GYLWE成衣品牌及捷印衣JinE快速印衣印花品牌,期望怡凌可以成為台灣尖端染化紡織產業研發核心技術與自有品牌整合服務之國際中心。
INT International Inc is specialized in developing and formulating its range of textile dyes, textile auxiliaries and screen printing ink products in the textile industry. Its brands and services are highly trusted due to its optimum performance on application and customization, level and quality. Our products are mainly the Disperse, Reactive, Direct, Acid, Basic dyes, textile water based inks, PVC free & Phthalate free Plastisol inks, textile auxiliaries which we developing and marketing our own branded products through the global market. Famous leading brandings like Nike, Adidas, etc. are our current end customers.
Recently, due to the leading brands like Nike, Adidas and others well-knowns who mainly consume and procure the polyester- and synthetic fibers to create functional apparel and sportswear for replacing the traditional cotton by using other kinds of high-emission reactive dyes, INT has become one of the biggest beneficiaries of this growth. With our long-term accumulation of branding and marketing advantages, and coupled with our core technical research and development to match the ongoing trend of the global markets as well as customers demand, we believe that this functional clothing, rapid growing trend, accompanying with the customers would strengthen our prospects, soon we are expecting to become another Taiwan rising star.