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About Company

盛凡佛教工藝有限公司成立於1989年, 專業從事鎏金佛像生產,多年來努力研究改良,致力於佛教藝術化,藝術生活化,感謝各方大德對本公司產品的支持與愛護,才使本公司能不斷的成長,本著精進負責的精神,不負各界期望,目前在全球相關業界已是首屈一指的代表。 隨著生產技術不斷的提昇,產品品質也相對提高,目前的技術已經可以令生產產品常保如新,領先業界。同時產品的範圍更加廣泛,舉凡顯宗、密宗、道教神佛雕像、香爐、各式銅雕藝術品、古董等等都在生產行列上,各類產品款式高達千餘種。 其中銅雕藝術品,品質上更深受各界雕塑家認同,先前曾多次獲政府間接委託制做師鐸獎獎杯與優良企業獎獎座,城市雕塑,企業象徵物, 近年來公司全力拓展海外市場,成績斐然,目前行銷網遍及中國大陸各主要城市,美國、加拿大、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓等華人社區。 佛像之美乃貴在於蘊含有無限,難以筆墨形容的慈悲,具有不可思議的莊嚴沉定,能使人摒棄一切思想上的雜念,從內心產生一種崇高的仰望心理。 為能讓更多人能感受佛像之真、善與美, 公司全面推廣佛像藝術生活化,推廣各式名家精緻佛教,佛像相關雕塑,期望佛像之善與美可由佛堂轉入書房及其它生活空間,而不再局限於佛堂上的供養,使其能讓更多人分享,希望能藉由佛教推廣,以達淨化心靈、澄明社會的目的。

SHENG FAN BUDDHA HANDICRAFTS CO., LTD was established in 1989. We are professional manufacturer of the gilt BUDDHA. We have been exerted many years in research and improvement to convert Buddhism to art and convert art to life. Thanks to morals from every areas to supports and cherish of our company products and make our company to grow continuously. In conformity with the sophisticated and responsible spirit, we live up to every social circle expectation. We are currently being the premier representation of the related industry globally. Along with the continuous upgrade in production technology, the quality of the product is also elevating respectively. Currently our production technology can already keep the product as newly produce after a long time, which is pioneer in our industry. At the same time, the product range is more and more broadening, for example Exoteric Buddhism, Tantric Buddhism and Taoism God and Buddha statue, censer, and all kinds of bronze works of arts, antique etc are all at our production range. Of all category product styles reach more than thousands. In which the bronze works of art quality is popularly recognized by all sculptor circles. Previously we have received our government indirect consignment to manufacture the Division Award Cup and Excellent Enterprise Trophies, City Sculpture, Enterprise Symbol Object etc. We take efforts to expand the overseas market in recent years, the achievement is striking. Currently our marketing network reaches throughout Mainland China cities, America, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Philippine all Chinese community. The beauty of the Buddha Statue is that it contains the infinity and the mercy that difficult to describe literally, and it posses the incredible solemn calm making people to abandon the distractive thinking, emerge from the inner heart the sublime respectful psychology. To make more people senses about the reality, kindness and the beauty of the Buddha Statue, our company fully promotes the Buddhism to real life experience. Advertise the all kinds of various exquisite Buddhism, Buddhist related sculptor. We expect the kindness and beauty of the Buddha Statue will stand from the Temple to the reading room and other living spaces and not only confine to providing on the Temple and also let more people to share. We hope that starting from the popularity of the Buddhism more people will have the purification of mind and reach purpose of the clear society.



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