芊芯有限公司是專營流行飾品和禮贈品廠商及貿易公司, 產品項目包含項鍊, 手鍊, 耳環, 胸針, 戒指, 鑰匙圈, 手機鍊及相關產品, 我們可以提供競爭性的價格及優 質的服務, 歡迎與我們聯繫與洽談!
CROWNWEAR is a profession manufacturer & exporter, we handle the business in Fashion Jewelry & Promotion items, include the necklace, bracelet, earrings, brooches, rings, keychain, cell phone charm & fashion accessories....etc. We have the header office in Taipei and factory in China. Best quality and competitive price is our guarantee! Please kindly contact with us for more information now! Trial order & Customer's designs are most welcome!