錴和五金企業有限公司是專業的五金生產工廠,有26年豐富的經驗,能為您生產多樣化的產品。我們主要生產各式五金零件、鉸鍊、把手、脫臘製品,並銷至北歐及歐洲各地區等國外市場,同時自行研發高品質的精美DIY模型在臺灣本地銷售。我們的產品在嚴謹及穩定下控制品質,從初期至現在,歷經不斷的研究與改進,我們已擁有卓越的品質與穩定的交貨期。而我們的自有品牌『LUHO』更得到客戶們絕對的信賴與廣泛的支持。但我們並不會因此而滿於現狀,我們仍將秉持公司永恆的信念,不斷的改善、研究、創新,以及擴大並配合全世界各地區市場的需求。 服務項目: 五金製造:建築五金、工業五金、船舶五金 OEM代工 詳細網址 http://www.luhoindustry.com.tw/
We are professional hardware manufacturer with 26 years experience and exporter specializing in the assembling accessories for parts manufacture、Hardware manufacture、 Stainless steel manufacture、Punch manufacture in all variety, such as parts、Hinge、Handle、Casting etc. We export our products to Europe and the countries of Scandinavia. In particular, the quality of our product is under extremely strict and stable control. So far, we have been through continuous research and have finally earned prestigious quality service and reliable delivery. The “LUHO”, our own brand, has received absolute belief and extended support from our customers. However, we are not satisfied with achievements we have made so far. We shall base on the eternal concept of our company ─ keep improving, researching, creating and developing our products in order to satisfy market from the regions of the world. Services: Hardware Manufacture, Construction Hardware, Industrial Hardware, Vessel Hardware OEM