Biau Farn Co., Ltd.
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About Company

彪帆企業有限公司成立於中華名國九十九年一月八日(西元2010年1月8日),為一以積極創新研發為導向的公司,於其前身政洲土木技師事務所時,其負責人黎彪欽土木技師,有感於土木、建築工程在許多方面有革新的必要,乃率事務所人員投入相關研發創新,以使土木、建築工程能更符合環保、生態之時代需要,幸得天助,至今已開發出多項土木、建築工程的新工法與結構及其相關產品,並擁有台灣、中國、美國、日本等多國多項發明及新型專利,該多項發明及新型專利,不僅具有極高的環保、生態效益,且因其在工程施工上的簡易快速及多用途,使其更具競爭力與經濟性,非但如此,在研發過程中,發現所開發者,亦能應用於民生用品方面,進而開發出用於民生方面的相關產品,且獲台灣及中國新型專利。其實,在前身政洲土木技師事務所時,以土木工程顧問為主要經營方向,在投入研發創新時,即已逐步改變此一方向,直到專利新工法與結構的產生及跨入民生領域,經營方向的完全改變,及朝向多元化經營,已是如箭在弦,爰成立彪帆企業有限公司,以承繼及開拓新的經營層面和多領域發展,然雖由土木技師事務所轉化為企業公司,但環保、生態的核心經營理念並未改變,更且加入簡易、快速、多用途、多功能、以及融合不同領域技術為一體、進而構成一完整體系,為彪帆企業有限公司新的經營理念,並以此理念促進人類生活的發展,以及減少災害的發生,是本公司核心信念與目標。 我們的研發成果,說明如下; 一、土木、建築類; 1.桁架式空間堤防、牆體結構 a.結構特點: 01.空間結構 02.預製組裝、簡易快速 03.結構造型多樣、可依需要及搭配植物進行空間景觀塑造 04.可依地勢變化施工 05.兼具環保、生態 b.結構用途: 01.擋土牆 02.堤防 03.水路 04.路基 05.圍牆、花台 06.其他 2.榫接式空間網格結構 a.結構特點: 01.空間結構 02.預製組裝、簡易快速 03.結構造型多樣、可依需要及搭配植物進行空間景觀塑造 04.可依地勢變化施工 05.與1可互相搭配應用 06.兼具環保、生態 b.結構用途: 01.擋土牆 02.堤防 03.水路 04.路基 05.圍牆、花台 06.其他 3.柔性骨架、植生網體結合之水土保持工法 a.工法特點: 01.可適應任何坡度的山坡地 02.可在現場組裝施作,植生植物 03.可預製移入現場組裝施作 04.可育植完成再移入現場植栽 05.兼具環保、生態 b.工法用途:坡面造花園 4.空間結構使用之集成式組裝可變換骨幹接頭 a.結構特點: 01.空間結構 02.預製組裝、簡易快速 03.結構造型多樣、可依需要及搭配植物進行空間景觀塑造 04.可依地勢變化施工 05.兼具環保、生態 06.可搭配1、2複合應用 b.結構用途: 01.擋土牆 02.堤防 03.水路 04.路基 05.圍牆、花台 06.可應用任何山坡地 07.其他 5.衝擊防護構造 a.結構特點: 01.空間結構 02.預製組裝、簡易快速 03.具高度消能性 04.兼具環保、生態 05.搭配植物植生 b.結構用途: 01.落石防護 02.護欄 03.其他衝擊防護 二、民生用品類; 1.第一代:千積變(Inflife)產品系列 a.產品分類: 01.景觀藝術組 02.造景園藝組 03.空間文具組 b.產品用途: 01.景觀擺設、空間佈置 02.園藝造景、景觀配置 03.文具收納、桌面擺飾

Biau Farn Enterprise Co., Ltd., a company founded on January 8, 2010, is specializing in innovation, research and development. The Company is also known as Cheng Chou Civil Technician Office before. At that moment, its CEO, Li, Biau-Chin, a Civil Technician, thought that the reform became necessary in many respects for civil engineering and building engineering; as a result, the office devoted its time solely to the related research, development and innovation so as to allow the civil engineering and building engineering to further satisfy environment-friendly and ecology-friendly requirements. Fortunately, we have developed lots of new methods and structures in regard to the civil engineering and building engineering and the allied products. Meanwhile, we have obtained many inventive patents and utility models in Taiwan, China, USA and Japan. In addition to extremely high environment and ecological efficiency, such patents and utility models also have good competitive ability and economic effectiveness because of easy, quick and multi-purpose features on the construction. On the other hand, we found that such patents and utility models could be also used on the field of livelihood in the process of research and development. Under the circumstances, we have also developed the related products in the livelihood, obtaining utility models in Taiwan and China as well. Civil engineering consultancy was the principal business line for Cheng Chou Civil Technician Office, but this policy was gradually changed when starting the jobs for research, development and innovation. However, this situation was entirely changed after the patented new methods and structures were invented, and we started touching the field of livelihood. To cope with the tendency of diversification, Biau Farn Enterprise Co., Ltd. was established in order to continue and promote new operating scopes and diversified development. Although the Company is turned from a civil technician office, its environment-friendly and ecology-friendly core management philosophy remains unchanged. An integral system was made up by adding and mixing easy, quick, multi-purpose and multi-function skills in different domains. With this new management philosophy, Biau Farn Enterprise Co., Ltd. is doing its utmost to promote the development of human life and reduce the disasters as its core concept and goal. Our research results are as follows: A.Field of Civil and Building Engineering: 1.Truss-space Embankment and Wall Structure: a.Structural Features: 01 Spatial structure; 02 Pre-assembled; easy and quick; 03 Variety of structures and forms can be used for designing spatial landscape as required and by adding different plants; 04 Work can be done as the practical terrain; and 05 Environment-friendly and ecology-friendly. b.Structural Purposes: 01 Retaining wall; 02 Embankment; 03 Water route; 04 Road bed; 05 Fence and flower bed; and 06 Others. 2.Tenon-space Network Structure: a.Structural Features: 01 Spatial structure; 02 Pre-assembled; easy and quick; 03 Variety of structures and forms can be used for designing spatial landscape as required and by adding different plants; 04 Work can be done as the practical terrain; 05 It can be used together with Item 01 referred to above; and 06 Environment-friendly and ecology-friendly. b.Structural Purposes: 01 Retaining wall; 02 Embankment; 03 Water route; 04 Road bed; 05 Fence and flower bed; and 06 Others. 3.Soil & Water Conservation Method by Combining Flexible Skeleton and Vegetation Nets: a.Methodic Features: 01 It works for hillside with any slope; 02 Onsite assembling and operation are possible for vegetation and plants; 03 Pre-casting is possible for onsite assembling and operation; 04 Onsite planting is possible after completing cultivation; and 05 Environment-friendly and ecology-friendly. b.Methodic Purposes: For building garden onto the slope. 4.Changed Backbone Joint by Integrated Assembling: a.Structural Features: 01 Spatial structure; 02 Pre-assembled; easy and quick; 03 Variety of structures and forms can be used for designing spatial landscape as required and by adding different plants; 04 Work can be done as the practical terrain; 05 Environment-friendly and ecology-friendly; and 06 It can be used together with Item 01 and 02 referred to above. b.Structural Purposes: 01 Retaining wall; 02 Embankment; 03 Water route; 04 Road bed; 05 Fence and flower bed; 06 It works for any kind of hillside; and 07 Others. 5.Shock-Preventive Structure: a.Structural Features: 01 Spatial structure; 02 Pre-assembled; easy and quick; 03 High dissipation of energy; 04 Environment-friendly and ecology-friendly; and 05 It can be used together with plants and vegetation. b.Structural Purposes: 01 Prevention of fallen stones and rocks; 02 Railing; and 03 Other shock preventions. B.Field of Livelihood: 1.First Generation: Inflife Products Series: a.Classification of Products: 01 Landscaping art sector; 02 Landscape gardening sector; and 03 Spatial stationery sector. b.Purposes of Products: 01 Landscaping design and spatial layout; 02 Landscape gardening and landscaping arrangement; and 03 Stationery storage and desk decoration. Environmental protection and ecological protection are our core management philosophy remains unchanged. Moreover, the techniques and the related products developed by us become an integral system by adding and mixing easy, quick, multi-purpose and multi-function skills in different domains in order to promote the development of human life and reduce the disasters as its core concept and goal.



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