眾威以超過二十五年的經驗深知如何滿足客戶的需求,大陸設廠,一貫作業、品質穩定。 我們專門生產紀念章、獎牌、鎖圈、領帶夾、袖扣、書籤等等•• 促銷禮贈品 具競爭力的價格和高品質管理、交貨準時。 接受訂作及小量訂單,本公司在香港亦設有兩家分公司歡迎洽尋合作外銷。
As a 26-year-experience supplier, we manufacture series of metal product to our worldwide clients such as lapel pins, tie clips, cuff links, medallions, key chains, Embroidery Badges, souvenirs and so on. We have not only two branches companies in H.K. but our own factory in Mainland China to offer our clients punctual delivery frame, utmost quality and effective control of production line. Custom designs or for special case needs to be authorized are welcome. Please contact with us now and you will find a reliable supplier in Taiwan - Jone Way.