Royal Fabric Garden Co., Ltd.
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About Company

歡迎來到御織園,一個手工花藝的世界。 在這裡,你可以看到各式各樣的手工製造花藝作品,針對不同的場合,節慶,室內或室外裝潢以及搭配服飾的配件所設計及編造。不只如此,當要選擇一項花卉作品作為禮物或某種節慶目時,我們還提供了花藝相關的資訊,包括東西方花藝的型態,不同文化所定義的花卉意涵,介紹各種花藝手工作法以及所採用的四種主要技法,剪,扭,拉,燙,還有我們所選用的相關材料以及布料,供您參考。 御織園與別人不同的地方在於我們可以提供完全的客製與設計的服務。針對您對式樣,顏色,花卉品種,尺寸以及目地的各項需求,我們設計並手工編造出各項花卉作品滿足您的需求。 如有需要更詳細的資訊,如我們公司的資料,產品資訊或訂購,請參閱我們網站的相關內容或以電郵,電話與我們聯繫,我們隨時歡迎您的來函,並提供您誠摯的服務。

Welcome to Royal Fabric Garden! Here you can find a varieties of hand-made floral arrangements designed and created for different occasions, events, outdoor and indoor decors, and dressing accessories. More than that, when it comes to selecting a right floral arrangement as a gift or for some special purposes, we also provide flower arranging related info, including the western and eastern style of floral arranging, the meanings of flowers defined by different cultures and an introduction to the hand-crafting of floral arrangements using 4 main skills, cutting, twisting, drawing and stamping, and the explication of the materials used in the floral arrangements, for you to refer to. What makes us different from others is our custom designing and custom making service. Based on your requirements for styles, colors, species of followers, sizes and objectives, we custom design or make floral arrangements exactly to your needs. For more details on our profile, product info or ordering, please browse through our website or contacts us by email or phone. We are always open to your inquiry and at your service.



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