I-HSIN Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
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About Company

公司沿革 一心生物科技公司的前身為一心蘭友服務中心,於1978年由簡慶賢先生創立,他帶領二個兒子由蘭花業餘愛好者,晉身為專業的育種者,早期台灣小規模的蘭花業者,因沒有設備或技術去做蘭花的無菌播種,一心為他們提供了繁殖瓶苗的服務,這項服務為台灣的蝴蝶蘭產業貢獻卓著,現在一心的創辦人已訓練了二個兒子和媳婦負責公司運作,使公司成為全球蝴蝶蘭種苗供應商,而第三代接受了大學的專業教育與家族的事業訓練之後,也開始參與公司的經營。於2010年在美國加州建立了海外的轉運點,也開創了一心另一個階段新的旅程碑。 經營宗旨 1.誠信、專業、創新及服務之全球蝴蝶蘭種苗供應商 2.創新育成優質的蝴蝶蘭品種,以滿足顧客多樣性的需求。 3.提供顧客穩定及高品質之瓶苗與種苗,以提升顧客市場競爭力。 4.客製化服務與顧客成為穩固之合作夥伴。 公司規模 1.無菌操作台(120cm)140台 2.瓶苗溫室7,000平方公尺(約2,000坪) 3.年產瓶苗100萬瓶(約2,000萬株) 4.栽培溫室70,000平方公尺(約20,000坪) 5.年產種苗1,000萬株 6.病毒檢驗室 營業項目 1.瓶苗  代客蘭花分生與實生之瓶苗繁殖、移植與播種  供應各式蝴蝶蘭品種,優質之瓶苗與選洗苗 2.種苗  供應蝴蝶蘭各盆徑規格之優質種苗 3.開花株  供應各式蝴蝶蘭品種之開花株  提供組合盆花服務與宅配 特殊榮譽 1.IPA於2007年國際蘭展中將該協會最高榮譽獎項-卓越貢獻獎頒給簡慶賢先生,以表揚在蝴蝶蘭育種方面的傑出表現 2.AOS將最高殊榮頒給簡慶賢先生於蝴蝶蘭育種方面的傑出貢獻

•History• I Hsin Orchid grower's service center, predecessor of I Hsin Biotechnology Inc. was established in 1978 by Mr. Jian Ching-Hsien himself and his two sons from an amateur orchid lover into a professional specializing in breeding. In his early years, I Hsin provided a tissue culture service to many orchid growers in Taiwan who didn't have the equipment, facilities or skills to raise orchid plants from seed. This service made a tremendous contribution to the growth of phalaenopsis industry in Taiwan. Now, the founder of I Hsin has tutored his two sons and daughters-in-law who are largely responsible for running the company and the company becoming a global famous supplier of Phalaenopsis plants. The third generation, well professional educated from university and family training, starts to participate in the management of the company.Furthermore, I Hsin has set up a branch in California of USA as it's overseas distribution center and headed for it's new era of globalization. •Objectives• To be an honest, professional, innovative and world-wide provider of Phalaenopsis plants. To create more Phalaenopsis variety with good quality to meet the many and varied requirements of the customers. To provide customers with quality products at reasonable prices to help them gaining a competitive advantage in the market. To offer tailored products as per customer's needs and hereby enter into a solid partnership relations with the customer. •Company Scale• Laminar-flow cabinet: 140 units of working table. Greenhouse for flasks: 7,000m2. Annual yields: 1 millions bottles of flask(about 20 millions plants). Greenhouse of nurseries: 70,000m2. Annual output of one million plants. Laboratory of virus inspection •Service Items• Flasks. To offer services of micro-propagation of clone and seedling flasks. To offer high quality flasks and bare-rooted plantlets. Palaenopsis plants To offer quality phalaenopsis plants at every growing pot size. Flowering plants. To offer blossoming phalaenopsis in a large amount of varieties. To offer blossoming phalaenopsis in combination pot including delivery service.



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