負責人白美香爲理律法律事務所前資深顧問,於2009年3月因健康因素自理律退休。退休後除仍在大學兼課外,並持續以『財團法人磐石文化藝術基金會』為平台,積極投入長期以來對弱勢族群的關懷照護。 富泉公司自遷入高雄軟體園區後,為配合政府極力倡導文化創意產業之政策,積極開發文創產品。白美香乃將近年來之畫作數位化授權運用於公司相關之產品。富泉公司目前除文創產品之發展推廣外,並積極投入專利產品研發,及智慧財產交流平台,未來並將朝向提供文化藝術、生活健康、產業發展等諮詢服務,期望結合藝術、人文與科技,提供產業界及社會精英優質人生的交流中心 誠如「富泉」兩字所蘊含的意義-『富有的泉水』 ,期望富泉公司能豐富並帶給大家健康、智慧與財富,共創優質社會!
Nancy Pai, the responsible person of Rich Fountain was retired from as senior consultant of Lee and Li, Attorneys-At-Law on 1 March 2009 due to the concern of her health. After retirement, Nancy not only maintains teaching at the University, but also continuously acts in the care of vulnerable groups that she has been doing for quite a long time through “The Core Stone Art and Culture Foundation.”
Rich Fountain International Corp., in accordance with government policy of developing of literature enterprises, has been actively promoting and developing the cultural creative products after moving into the Soft-Science Zone. Nancy Pai therefore authorized Rich Fountain applying her paintings and patents to the products produced. In addition to the cultural creative products, Rich Fountain also devoted in researching and developing the intellectual products, setting the IP table, and will provide consultant services on the field of art, literal, healthy development of a company.
Just like the name of the company, “Rich Fountain”, wish to enrich everybody, hope everyone could have the health, wisdom, and wealth to fulfill their lives, and everyone’s heart is under a joyful mind!