Top Rank Industrial Co., Ltd.
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About Company

仟昇股份有限公司成立於民國68年3月,成立至今己邁入第33年,成立於台中市大里區,   資本額為新台幣 5000 萬元。   主要開發、製造及行銷車用工具、手工具, 秉持專業、創新、品質、服務、效率為目標,不斷開發新產品, 以期使產品及服務品質精益求精。 為迎接新世紀多元化的國際市場需求及增加市場競 爭能力, 本公司自 1999 年, 在中國浙江設立-來富汽車配件(嘉善)有 限公司, 提昇、研發及更新產品 技術並引進最新機器:精鍛鍛造機等設備, 除了開發技術的提昇並著重於產品的創新能力及品質精緻 化, 目前主要分二個方向經營,分別為成品製造與加工產品,所有製程均符合安規設計,品質優良有 信譽。除了OEM 與 ODM,可以提供相關產品之開發製造等服務。   在全球化的競爭市場, 本公司於 2009 年設立外貿部積極開拓於更多的產品行銷管道, 本著技術的 提昇及獨特性、 拓展、 開發更多的新興國際市場及延續國際市場高品質消費之高競爭力而努力, 並依 消費者市場不斷研發出多項專利產品, 朝多元化商品發展, 期許能將產品行銷至世界各地。 我們將以 積極與誠懇的態度服務每一位客戶, 以穩健與務實的做法為原則, 堅持提供高品質的產品, 為客戶創造 商業契機, 達到雙贏的目的。

 Top Rank Industrial Co., Ltd is established in March 1979, until now it has been in the industry for over 33 years. We are located in Dali, Taichung city. The capital invested is NT 50,000,000.   We focus on innovation, manufacture, marketing in the car tools and hand tools. So far we possess various patents on different products. With professionalism, innovation, quality, service and efficiency as our target, we have actively innovated new products which increase the basic utility of our products and offer better service.   With a view to meet diversification on an international level and increasing competitive ability in the market, we opened a new company named Top Rank Industry (JIASHAN) Co., Ltd which is located in Jiashan, Zhejiang, China, we increased production, development, innovation of new products and imported the advanced machinery from Taiwan JING DUANN MACHINERY INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. We strive to develop new skills , concentrate on innovation of new products and the pursuit of superior quality, so there are mainly two directions to work on, first of all is the finished goods, second one is semi-finished product which needs further processing. All of them in the production process are required to comply with safety design, and offer good quality to keep company reputation. Except for OEM and ODM, we offer services that are related to the innovation of goods.



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