Well Shine Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.
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About Company

榮獲經濟部頒發創新研發績優廠商、國家生技醫療品質、民生醫學組評鑑優良大獎,並陸續取得世界多國之「紅樟芝子實體」栽培技術、萃取製程、健康機能性用途等多項專利的偉翔生技開發股份有限公司,二十多年來專營保健事業。主要致力於各種珍貴稀有的保健真菌的研究開發,同時時刻以用心、真心、良心的態度來生產真正具有科學實證能促進人類健康的產品為一貫堅持的理念。 不論是技術上的領先或是生產銷售上的品質規模都獲得國內外市場的一致讚賞,其中針對台灣特有紅樟芝的子實體開發更突破生技極限,率先完成DNA基因定序,超過28國36個認證組織相互承認「無急性毒」、「無慢性毒」、「無遺傳毒」、且符合「適應原」及「功能性」條件等,不僅傳承數百年來濟世之心,更奠定了樟芝的品牌價值。

Well Shine received Innovation Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Biotechnology & Medical Care Quality Award, and Excellence of Public Medical Assessment. We own patents for cultivation techniques, extraction procedures, functional applications of "the fruiting body of Antrodia camphorata". The company has been specialized in the health promotion business for more than 20 years, focusing on various rare fungi research related to healthcare. Meanwhile, we insist on being hardworking, genuineness, and conscience to develop evidence based products that promote human health. Our leading techniques and the product qualities are recognized by the markets worldwide; of those, the fruiting body of Antrodia camphorata native to Taiwan break through the limit of biotechnology. We were the first to finish sequencing its DNA. More than 36 organizations of accreditation in 28 countries approved the special properties of "no acute toxicity", "no chronic toxicity", "no genetic toxicity", fitting the criteria of "adaptogen" and "functionality". We do not only keep and pass on warm hearted service, but also preserve the value of Antrodia camphorata.



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