Mau Lin food Co., Ltd
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arrow 魔力水晶
arrow 彩虹水晶
arrow 布丁豆花粉系列
arrow 桔露 (金桔果泥)
arrow 藍莓水果膏

About Company

茂霖食品公司創立之初,專精於食品原料的選別及各式食品的創新,因此對於日後的產品研究開發奠定了絕佳的品質基礎。在軟實力方面,本公司自1999年開發「魔力水晶」系列產品後,陸續開發「達利糖漿」、「果泥」、「調味粉體」、「達利果露」、「果粒醬」及「魔力泡泡」等系列產品,深受國內優質餐飲通路業者的喜愛,並積極快速推展至國外餐飲市場;在硬實力方面,本公司取得HACCP、ISO 及 HALAL 等認證,提供客戶更安全、有競爭力的品質保證。目前,本公司產品已遍及美、英、德、澳、日、韓、東南亞及中國等地區。由於本公司具備嚴選食材的專精及靈活快速的研發能力,使得國內外許多優質客戶除採用本公司已開發之產品外,也委託本公司開發、生產客製化產品,高品質力、強競爭力、新創造力的產品,使本公司成為許多餐飲通路的好夥伴。本著求新求變、創造流行、精緻安全、服務客戶為訴求,一群學有專精的年輕菁英,積極、熱忱的與客戶共同創造市場。2015年底,本公司即將興建完成第二廠,以追求自我更加卓越。我們深切期待,本公司自行研發的產品,能銷售於全球,將台灣特色的餐飲,深植於國內,發揚於國際。

Mau Lin food Co., Ltd is specializing in food materials and equipped with the knowledge to create innovative recipe. This serves as the fundamental skill for our Research & Design ( R&D) team to develop premium products. Being certified with HACCP, ISO and Halal, offers our consumers a safe, competitive quality assurance. In the year 1999, the company has developed Magic Jelly Series which is well received by the public. Subsequently the launch of Daly Syrup, Puree, Flavored powder, Daly Fruit Sauce, Pulp Sauce and Magic Gem series have earned the predilection of the domestic premium Food & Beverage (F&B) companies which help us to tap into the overseas market. At present, our company’s products have reached out to countries like Australia, China, England, Germany, Japan, Korea, South East Asia countries and United State of America. Other than our regular products, we have clients from all over the world approached us for OEM/ODM as they appreciated our R&D team’s specializations in customizing competitive premium products. We will keep striving to provide a better service and hoping through our products we can promote Taiwan F&B culture worldwide.



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