Shing Lih Fang Enterprise Co. Ltd.
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About Company

新歷芳企業股份有限公司是一家歷史悠久、品質卓越的專業藥用空膠囊製造廠。擁有最先進生產設備及生產技術,於民國76年率先全省硬質空心膠囊廠通過GMP規範。 隨著製藥產業不斷提昇、客戶需求不斷更新,陸續通過 cGMP規範 並取得各項膠囊認證,以符合全 球性市場的需求變化。 新歷芳累積超過50年的豐富經驗,充分展現對於硬質空心膠囊製造的專業,以提供給客戶最優良的藥用空心膠囊品質與最豐富的服務價值,並成為各大藥廠及健康食品廠的最佳合作夥伴。 用心做出優良品質、真誠服務客戶放心。

Shing Lih Fang has a long history of being a professional and excellent quality empty capsule manufacturer in Taiwan. With the state-of-art capsule manufacturing facilities and technologies, we were able to be the first capsule producer in Taiwan to pass the GMP Regulation Standards in 1987. Along with the unceasingly innovation of drugs manufacturing industry as well as the renewed demanding from our loyal customers, we had continuously achieved the full steps of cGMP standard, and also obtained variousinternational qualifications, such as ISO 9001 and HALAL, to meet the changes and requirements in the global market. Shing Lih Fang has accumulated more than 50 years plentiful experiences in pharmaceutical capsule manufacturing field, so we always have the professional confidence to provide the excellent quality empty capsules and efficient service to our customers. Consequently, we have the honor to become the best partner among the worldwide Pharmaceutical and Nutrition companies.



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