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About Company

西元 1967 年台灣經濟處於蓽路藍縷階段,物資普遍匱乏,其食品業所需的巧克力來源皆仰賴進口或烘培師父自行調製,人們沒有較多的選擇,再者,敝人認為食品製造乃良心事業,必須選用優良的原料與精湛的技術才能做出優質的產品。因此,在創業之初決心以良心做為今後公司的基礎,以正心、正意、正念、正思維做為公司的後盾,毅然在台南市北園街創設了正香軒食品公司,從事巧克力之生產製造,以服務烘培業及冰品業界。 公司草創時期秉持誠信的理念,對品質堅持不移的精神,在全體員工同心協力,辛勤耕耘及不斷研發提昇品質的執著,使產品日新月異,於品質、信譽頗護業界的信賴與肯定,公司也因此持續的成長茁壯,至1983年原廠不敷使用,幾經踏察,遂於台南縣永康工業區購地4,274平方米(1,300坪)另建新廠擴大營運,當公司遷進永康工業區新廠時,敝人即潛浸於公司內部,身先士卒在生產的第一線親自駐廠監製生產事宜,以確保優良品質,並親自帶領研發團隊,不斷的提昇產品品質,並開發新產品,以報答愛用者知遇之情。三十多年來本公司引進歐洲最先進精良的機器及技術,採全自動化一貫作業,從精選原料、焠煉至成品完成,均嚴格管制。本公司以生產各種不同用途之多元化巧克力為主,以滿足客戶的需求為優先、以服務客戶為榮,因此在競爭劇烈的市場上頗受客戶的信賴與肯定。 這幾年來因業績不斷的成長,工廠再度不敷使用,因此於2004年7月再次增建新廠於台南市科技工業區,新廠佔地24,875平方米(7,516坪),廠、辦建坪為26,560.28平方米(8,034坪),引進歐洲最優良的自動化機器擴大服務國內外客戶。 數十年來我們累積了最專業的生產技術與經驗及龐大的研發團隊和最親切迅速的技術服務人員及業務團隊,公司秉持精益求精與誠信不移的精神、優良的信譽,提供國內外廣大的巧克力產品使用者最專業最快速熱誠的服務,使本公司的巧克力搭配在任何食品上能增益其口感 ,提昇其附加價值,使愛用者能獲益良多 , 創造雙贏的良性循環,在脈動快速的今日,我們願將歷年所累積的成果與世界各地熱愛巧克力的顧客們共同來分享與成長,更願為美好的明天繼續努力。

In 1967, the economy of Taiwan was at the hard life of pioneer stage, the material and capital were usually scarce, the chocolate source that the food industries required depending on importation or homemade by bakers so the choice was few. In view of the food industry is a business of conscience, which must use the excellent raw material and advanced technology to make the best food , thus at the beginning  when I established my own business , I decided applying my best conscience as the best foundation in the future, using the right heart, right mind, right idea and right thinking as the shield of my company to set up the Cheng Hsiang Hsuan Food Company at Pei Yuan Street of Tainan City to engage in the production and making of chocolate to serve the needs of the bakery industry and iced product industry. At the initial period, I have been always insisting in sincere and trustful idea and best quality, under the unified mind and hard work of all employees, also, incessant research and development to upgrade quality have enabled us to present new and different product items, and to win the trust and positive attitude on both our quality and reputation from the people of the same field. Our company has been growing due to the good quality and reputation. In 1983, the original factory would not meet the growing needs of the business. Upon several times of evaluation, we decided to buy a piece of land of 4,274 square meters (1,300 Pings) at Yun Kang Industrial Park, Tainan County to build our new factory buildings to accommodate the expansion of business. After we moved into the new factory buildings, I have devoted myself to the internal operation of the company and stand at the first line of the operation line to supervise the production in person so as to ensure the excellent quality. Also, I have led the research and development team to upgrade the product quality continually and to develop new products to show our gratitude to our customers who buy our products with confidence. For more than 30 years in the past, we have imported the most advanced and precise machines and technology from Europe, and to apply automatic operation all over the factory, which can strictly control the selecting raw material, extraction, and up to finished products. Our company has set the goal to make diversified chocolates in various purposes to meet the demand of the customers as priority, and we are proud to be able to offer service to our customers. I think that was why we have won the trust and confidence of our customers in the keen competitive market. In recent years, due to our sales keep growing, and again the factory building could not meet the operation needs. Therefore, we built a new factory at Tainan Technology Industrial Park in Tainan City in July 2004. The new factory took 24,875.28m2 (7,516 Pings)of land area, while the factory office took 26,560.28m2 (8,034 Pings)of land area where we have imported the best automatic machinery from Europe to expand our service to customers here at home and abroad. For the past couple decades, we have accumulated the most professional production technique and experience, as well as the biggest research and development team, the most amicable and fast technique service personnel and sales team. We have been insisting in search of the excellence and sincerity spirit, excellent reputation to provide the fastest and warm service to wide range of chocolate users here and abroad to allow our chocolate to give good taste on any kind of food and increase their added-value, further, to benefit the users and create a good circulation of double-win situation. At the fast moving modern time, we would like to share our accumulated achievements and growth with all chocolate users all over the world. Moreover, we would like to work harder for the beautiful future.



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